I have installed ruby with cygwin
according to these inst:
but at the last command:
gem install sproutcore
I this
bash: gem: command not found
help _
I have installed ruby with cygwin
according to these inst:
but at the last command:
gem install sproutcore
I this
bash: gem: command not found
help _
reed das wrote in post #1017287:
I have installed ruby with cygwin
according to these inst:
Install - Windowsbut at the last command:
gem install sproutcore
I this
bash: gem: command not found
When you “rvm install”, what was the output?
what is the result if you do: rvm rubygems 1.8.8
Good luck, I’ve no experience with cygwin combined with RVM, so cannot
help further from that.
Luis L.
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2
had a whole bunch of stuff that took about 10 mins to run:)
$ rvm rubygems 1.8.8
ERROR: ‘ruby’ was not found, cannot install rubygems unless ruby is
present (Do
you have an RVM ruby installed & selected?)
opps thx thought i done that, ok it works :)shame i dont get emails from
here auto even though i should
On 8/18/2011 09:23, reed das wrote:
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2
$ rvm rubygems 1.8.8
ERROR: ‘ruby’ was not found, cannot install rubygems unless ruby is
present (Do
you have an RVM ruby installed & selected?)
After installing a ruby using rvm, you need to tell rvm to use it.
Assuming you have your shell configured correctly as documented on the
rvm homepage, run this:
$ rvm use ruby-1.9.2
At this point, you should have the gem command available since rubygems
is integrated with ruby-1.9.2. You may then choose to upgrade rubygems
if you wish.
wow run this but lots of errors:
$ gem install sproutcore
Fetching: rack-1.3.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: json_pure-1.4.6.gem (100%)
Fetching: extlib-0.9.15.gem (100%)
Fetching: erubis-2.7.0.gem (100%)
Fetching: thor-0.14.6.gem (100%)
Fetching: haml-3.1.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: sass-3.1.7.gem (100%)
Fetching: chunky_png-1.2.1.gem (100%)
Fetching: fssm-0.2.7.gem (100%)
Fetching: compass-0.11.5.gem (100%)
Fetching: eventmachine-1.0.0.beta.3.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
1 [main] ruby 7216 C:\cygwin\home\me.rvm\rubies\ruby-1.9.2-p290
bin\ruby.exe: *** fatal error - unable to remap \?\C:\cygwin\home\me.
rvm\rubies\ruby-1.9.2-p290\lib\ruby\1.9.1\i386-cygwin\etc.so to same
address as
parent: 0x3E0000 != 0x3F0000
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
00289098 6102796B (00289098, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
00289388 6102796B (6117EC60, 00008000, 00000000, 61180977)
0028A3B8 61004F1B (611A7FAC, 612492D4, 003E0000, 003F0000)
End of stack trace
1 [main] ruby 9668 fork: child 7216 - died waiting for dll
loading, errno
On 8/18/2011 09:47, reed das wrote:
wow run this but lots of errors:
$ gem install sproutcore
End of stack trace
1 [main] ruby 9668 fork: child 7216 - died waiting for dll
loading, errno
That’s a typical Cygwin fork problem and has nothing to do with ruby.
You’ll need to take this up with the Cygwin mailing list. You can add
your voice to the chorus of people experiencing this class of problem.
There are various workarounds you can try that may or may not work for
you. Common solutions are to disable/remove certain applications such
as certain AV software and some video drivers that bind into the guts of
Windows and disrupt Cygwin (see BLODA -
Cygwin FAQ), running
rebaseall, and shutting down memory hungry applications such as Firefox.
If you’re on Win7 64-bit, you’re in the same boat as me. The Cygwin
devs are working on hacking better support for that platform, and you
may have luck with one of their recent snapshot builds.
Good luck!
i just installed cygwin today , im on 64 bit windooze
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