Hi, guys,
I’m trying to use /ofdm/benchmark_tx.py and /ofdm/benchmark_rx.py in two
machines to implement ofdm transmission. But I found there are too heavy
packet loss or high BER with lot of ‘0’ print out at the receiver. So I
check the signal quality by using the received runing uhd_fft.py to
the bandwidth. I set 500kbps at the sender with fft-size 512
200, but I just get a 200k bandwidth at receiver. Then changing the
fft-size to 1024 occupied-tones 500, I get a 248k. I wonder if there is
anyone who can help me with this.
With the overrun ‘0’ problem, I try to modify the limit.conf but no
significant changes. When I modified the file, I was not sure which
group I
should set. Because this is a computer belong to our university, the
shows @faculty and @student, I just set the group to student. Does
know is this correct?
I will appreciate any help with you guys.