Add your own inflection so that ‘news’ is singularlized to ‘news’.
Change your class name.
Keep in mind that model names should be nouns. Controller actions are
verbs. In your case of WhatsNew is practically a complete sentence.
“What is new?” Maybe use something like NewsItem or simply News, which
rails will properly pluralize as “News.” In this case the table name
will be news.
Then to find out, “What is new?” you can create a named_scope that gets
recent new items like this:
Keep in mind that model names should be nouns. Controller actions are
verbs. In your case of WhatsNew is practically a complete sentence.
Correction: Controller actions aren’t necessarily verbs. It might be
more accurate to say the handles what to do with the request and the
verb is part of the request (i.e. “GET index” would get then index of
news items and “POST create” would create new news items).