Backing Up a Radiant Site


I’ve just completed a site with Radiant, and although my little site
is quite primitive, I got an amazing amount done in a very short time!
So thanks to John and all the other contributers for their hard work
on this excellent system!

I now want to back up the site. Although I’m hosted with TextDrive and
have faith in their stability, ideally I’d like to have a tarball I
can drop into a fresh install and have a site back up and running
again. Is this possible? :slight_smile:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Dave C. wrote:

again. Is this possible? :slight_smile:
Depends on what kind of database you are using. If you run sqlite3,
you could just tar up the Radiant directory (assuming the database is
in db/)… otherwise you would need to export your database from
mysql or postgresql. I tried playing with the Radiant export function
a while ago, but I couldn’t find a way to re-import a site…


Dave C. wrote:

I now want to back up the site. Although I’m hosted with TextDrive and
have faith in their stability, ideally I’d like to have a tarball I
can drop into a fresh install and have a site back up and running
again. Is this possible? :slight_smile:

Easy import and export aren’t possible just yet. You can get a yaml
export by hitting /admin/export/, but importing is still very hard. To
import you must create a template from the export file and read it back
in through the script/setup_database script.

John L.