I am proud to release BackgrounDRb 1.0.4. This release contains, many
fixes as listed below:
Folks, as you are probably aware that I am working on getting
cluster/distributed job handling
support for BackgrounDRb.
I am trying to make a brief overview of changes that I have currently
checked into testcase
branch of github.
- Both synchronous and asychronous task invocation API has changed
for accomadating
clustering of BackgrounDRb servers. New API is:
for synchronous tasks:
invoke method some_task in worker hello_worker
invoke method some_task passing ‘data’ as an argument to method and
session[:user_id] as job_key
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).some_task(:arg => data,:job_key =>
run method ‘some_task’ on all backgroundrb servers
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).some_task(:arg => data,:job_key =>
session[:user_id],:host => :all)
run method ‘some_task’ on only locally configured server
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).some_task(:arg => data,:job_key =>
session[:user_id],:host => :local)
if you are using a bdrb cluster and now specifying :host option,
your job will run on a
server selected in round-robin manner
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).some_task(:arg => data,:job_key =>
run the task on specified server and return the results back
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).some_task(:arg => data,:job_key =>
session[:user_id],:host => “”)
For asychronous tasks:
invoke method some_task in worker hello_worker
invoke method some_task passing ‘data’ as an argument to method and
session[:user_id] as job_key
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).async_some_task(:arg =>
data,:job_key => session[:user_id])
run method ‘some_task’ on all backgroundrb servers
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).async_some_task(:arg => data,
:job_key =>
session[:user_id],:host => :all)
run method ‘some_task’ on only locally configured server
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).async_some_task(:arg => data,
:job_key =>
session[:user_id],:host => :local)
if you are using a bdrb cluster and now specifying :host option,
your job will run on
server selected
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker).async_some_task(:arg =>
data,:job_key => session[:user_id],:host => “”)
Worker_key and job_key:
BackgrounDRb prior to this version used job_key as worker global
data and workers
started new were using ‘job_key’. This naming convention was
somewhat confusing
and hence has been changed.we use “worker_key” for associating worker with some unique key in
the same capacity
as job_key was being used. Now, newer ‘job_key’ is essentially a
task associated
data and hence will be used in that capacity. For example, for
starting a new
worker, API is:MiddleMan.new_worker(:worker => :hello_worker,:worker_key =>
<worker_key>)For invoking a task on the worker, you will use:
MiddleMan.worker(:hello_worker,<worker_key>).some_task(:arg =>
“lol”,:job_key => “boy”)Also, for above method if your worker code should be like this:
class HelloWorker
def some_task args
result = some_scrap_url(args)
cache[job_key] = result
endregister_status has been removed and all workers have access to this
object which can be used to put data in. ‘cache’ object is thread
safe and hence
multiple threads can write to it. Also, for each executed task, if a
was supplied while invoking the task, it will be available in worker
method.Also, job_key is basically a thread local variable inside workers and
if multiple tasks are running concurrently using thread pool or
something, job_key
will still resolve to correct value. -
New thread pool:
Following syntax of adding tasks to thread pool has been deprecated:
thread_pool.defer(args) do |arg|
# runs in new thread
New syntax is:
thread_pool.defer(:some_method,args)Where some_method will run in thread pool and argument passed to
#defer will be
passed to methods. This was done, to fix a memory leak associated
with huge
number of blocks created at runtime. -
Persistent job Queue:
BackgrounDRb now have out of box support for persistent job queues
which are persisted to the
database. API to add a task in the job_queue is pretty simple:MiddleMan(:hello_worker).enq_some_task(:arg =>
“hello_world”,:job_key => “boy”)So in your hello worker:
class HelloWorker
def some_task args
… do some work …
persistent_job.finish! #=> marks the job as finished. totally
thread safe
endpersistent_job is a thread local variable and will refer to currently
running queued task can be used from thread pool as well. For
example:class HelloWorker
def some_task args
enddef fetch_url tags
… runs in thread …
… fetch tasks …
end -
Log worker no longer has rails environment.
Result Caching and retrieval:
Each worker has a worker local ‘cache’ object, which can be used
to cache results for later retrieval. You can use memcach as
result storage, you just need to specify that in config file.Also, when you fetch objects from cache all the specified servers are
queried and response is returned. -
Clustering and Fail safe:
If a node in cluster goes down, bdrb will automatically remove that
node from participation in load balancing, but once that node comes
up, bdrb will automatically add it back and node will start running
tasks. -
Fixes for large size data transfer.
Ezra for letting me work on BackgrounDRb. Francis for EventMachine.
Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting
conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my
own coals.