Backgroundjob (bj) stopped working


We have been using bj for a while now to upload images to S3 for
Everything was running fine, but recently bj has completely stopped

In the past Bj would just start working when I started mongrel. I
found that if I logged into the console and issued

Bj would run perfectly, however, failing to do that and no bj for me :slight_smile:

Any thoughts?

We are running on Rails 2.2 but I am hoping it is related to something


For educational purposes - does no one have an opinion, or did I not
qualify this question well enough?


On 19 Nov 2008, at 15:20, Ivor P. wrote:

For educational purposes - does no one have an opinion, or did I not
qualify this question well enough?

Either that or

  • it’s only been three hours
  • it’s only 10 am on the east coast and 7am pacific.
  • you haven’t actually provided much information apart from “it
    doesn’t work” (is the runner running/not running/failing to start? Is
    it starting and then crashing, if so is it producting any output (logs


Cool, thanks

I compared my email to the other emails that came after mine and just
wondered what the difference was. I do realize that this isn’t a very
general problem. Im sitting at GMT +2 so didn’t realise how early it
was in im guessing the east coast of the usa.

In the past, we had a after_create function in a model that submitted
a task to Bj. Bj would as expected pick this up and execute the task.
We did not have the runner configured to run in cluster mode, but let
Bj manage itself.

Recently, we saw that although the jobs were being created:

Bj.table.job.all =>
[#<Bj::Table::Job bj_job_id: 4, command: “tail -n 500
log/development.log”, state: “pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”,
is_restartable: 1, submitter: “TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil,
submitted_at: “2008-11-19 14:43:28”, started_at: nil, finished_at:
nil, env: nil, stdin: nil, stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status:
nil>, #<Bj::Table::Job bj_job_id: 5, command:
"/home/someuser/someproject/script/runner “Image.f…”, state:
“pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”, is_restartable: 1, submitter:
“TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil, submitted_at: “2008-11-19
14:50:25”, started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, env: nil, stdin: nil,
stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status: nil>, #<Bj::Table::Job
bj_job_id: 6, command: "/home/someuser/someproject/script/runner
“Image.f…”, state: “pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”, is_restartable:
1, submitter: “TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil, submitted_at:
“2008-11-19 14:50:49”, started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, env: nil,
stdin: nil, stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status: nil>,
#<Bj::Table::Job bj_job_id: 7, command:
"/home/ivor/workspace/talkies/script/runner “Image.f…”, state:
“pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”, is_restartable: 1, submitter:
“TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil, submitted_at: “2008-11-19
14:52:55”, started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, env: nil, stdin: nil,
stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status: nil>, #<Bj::Table::Job
bj_job_id: 8, command: "/home/someuser/someproject/script/runner
“Image.f…”, state: “pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”, is_restartable:
1, submitter: “TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil, submitted_at:
“2008-11-19 14:55:33”, started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, env: nil,
stdin: nil, stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status: nil>,
#<Bj::Table::Job bj_job_id: 9, command:
"/home/someuser/someproject/script/runner “Image.f…”, state:
“pending”, priority: 0, tag: “”, is_restartable: 1, submitter:
“TheLuggage”, runner: nil, pid: nil, submitted_at: “2008-11-19
14:55:54”, started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, env: nil, stdin: nil,
stdout: nil, stderr: nil, exit_status: nil>]

However, the jobs are never executed. It feels like what ever couping
there was with Bj and the script/server is missing.
=> nil

=> {“pid”=>11693, “command”=>"/usr/bin/ruby1.8
“/home/someuser/someproject/script/bj” “run” “–forever”
“–ppid=11445” “–rails_env=development”

We are running Rails2.2

I will be more than willing to provide additional information - not
sure what would help.
Thanks for the feedback.


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Frederick C.

On Nov 19, 3:46 pm, “Ivor P.” [email protected] wrote:

Cool, thanks

I compared my email to the other emails that came after mine and just
wondered what the difference was. I do realize that this isn’t a very
general problem. Im sitting at GMT +2 so didn’t realise how early it
was in im guessing the east coast of the usa.

The other thing is how many people are using bj ( I for example have
never used it). You may find that there are more people using it on

"–ppid=11445" "–rails_env=development"

Have your checked that that log file doesn’t have any clues and that
all of those paths are sane? You want to be able to tell the
difference between the task runner thing not even trying to run your
tasks and trying but failing.
