Awesome Ruby

Hi Rubysts!

Inspired by other collections such as: awesome-php, awesome-python and
frontend-dev-bookmarks. I started a similar list of awesome Ruby
libraries, tools, frameworks and software.

The goal is to build a well-structured collection, up to date and

Stars and sharings are really appreciated :slight_smile:

Do you miss any interesting link or section? Check it here:

I’d add Watir / Watir-Webdriver to your testing section :slight_smile:

Joel P. wrote in post #1151663:

I’d add Watir / Watir-Webdriver to your testing section :slight_smile:

Seem good libraries :slight_smile: Do you want to send a pull-request?

As someone who only uses Git casually, I have no idea what to do about

Do you have a GitHub account?

Here an explanation:

Stars and sharing are really appreciated, in order to get more people


Why you didn’t add FXRuby to GUI list? It’s pretty awesome tool, at
least better than shoes, which is dead.

Damián M. González wrote in post #1152161:

Why you didn’t add FXRuby to GUI list? It’s pretty awesome tool, at
least better than shoes, which is dead.

Because I didn’t know about it (no GUI in Ruby lately). But no prob
Damián, it’s a community-driven collection, send a pull-request (or open
an issue) with your suggestion.
