Available Engines

The recent redesign of the rails-engines.org website looks nice except
for one minor problem.

Other than listing the instructions for installing the basic ‘Engine’
plugin, there is no information on the website detailing which other
engines are available and how to properly install them.


Agreed. Definately would be nice to have some sort of ability to
maintain a list of Engines.

Wonder if we could get the agilewebdevelopment.com plugin directory
system on the Engines site.


On 31 Aug 2006 17:30:59 -0000, Kevin O.
[email protected] wrote:

Posted with http://DevLists.com. Sign up and save your mailbox.

engine-users mailing list
[email protected]

Nathaniel Steven Henry Brown

Open Source Insight - http://nshb.net
Open Source Development - http://inimit.com
Open Source Training - http://osevents.com

We’re in discussion with core, and should have something ready for Rails

  • james

Excellent. Now to get it setup :slight_smile:

James, do you need/want any assistance?


On 9/1/06, James A. [email protected] wrote:

Nathaniel Steven Henry Brown

  • J *

engine-users mailing list
[email protected]

Nathaniel Steven Henry Brown

Open Source Insight - http://nshb.net
Open Source Development - http://inimit.com
Open Source Training - http://osevents.com

Hey James,

I meant on the rails-engines.org site. Would be nice to have a trimmed
version that only showcases all the Engines out there.

It could be based on the url you sent, but simply have a filter for
all tags “engines”. Really doesn’t matter how it’s done, just that
those looking to see a full list of all the engines, done have to
filter through all the plugins, but can view them in a single


On 9/2/06, James A. [email protected] wrote:



  • J *

engine-users mailing list
[email protected]

Nathaniel Steven Henry Brown

Open Source Insight - http://nshb.net
Open Source Development - http://inimit.com
Open Source Training - http://osevents.com