Automating gem installs?

I’m trying to setup an automated build system for all of our upstream
binary dependencies (that we don’t get from our OS). Since we track a
newer ruby than most of our machines ship with, this means building ruby
and installing gems. For the most part this works fine, except when I
need to install a gem like mongrel that has several versions.

For example, if I run ‘gem install -y mongrel’ from my Makefile, I get
an error like this (since stdin isn’t attached):

Select which gem to install for your platform (x86_64-linux)

  1. mongrel 1.1 (ruby)
  2. mongrel 1.1 (mswin32)
  3. mongrel 1.0.4 (mswin32)
  4. mongrel 1.0.4 (ruby)
  5. Skip this gem
  6. Cancel installation

ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `strip’ for nil:NilClass

Unfortunately, the list entries aren’t even stable – sometimes option
#1 is the mswin32 and sometimes it’s the ruby choice. So I can’t even do
something nasty like “echo 1 | gem install -y mongrel” and be assured of
getting the right thing.

Is there any way to tell gem, from the commandline, precisely which gem
I want? The documentation seems sparse, and I haven’t had the time to go
digging through gem’s source code yet. (My hope is that this is any easy

On Nov 9, 2007, at 09:48 , Justin H. wrote:

Is there any way to tell gem, from the commandline, precisely which
I want? The documentation seems sparse, and I haven’t had the time
to go
digging through gem’s source code yet. (My hope is that this is any

not yet… but we’re getting there. I’ve got this requirement as well
and I sit next to eric all the time. don’t worry. :slight_smile:

Justin H. wrote:

I’m trying to setup an automated build system for all of our upstream
binary dependencies (that we don’t get from our OS). Since we track a
newer ruby than most of our machines ship with, this means building ruby
and installing gems. For the most part this works fine, except when I
need to install a gem like mongrel that has several versions.

I do this the hard way probably, but I convert gems into RPMs and then
push the RPMs to the systems. It takes quite a while but I can be sure

(assuming your using Linux and an RPM-based distribution)

  • no external dependencies(e.g. servers calling to the internet to
    download something)
  • one package manager to query for all files on the system
  • more compatible with our automated management system(
  • installs exactly the versions we use, never have to worry about the
    wrong version getting installed by accident.
  • don’t need development stuff installed to install the gems
    (though we still have development stuff installed, at some point
    I expect we’ll remove non essentials from most systems)

Currently I maintain 29 gems using this method. If your interested I
can send you a short little HOWTO doc I wrote so when I go through
this painful process I remember all of the commands I need.

Basically what I do is:

  • build a list of files in /usr

  • install the gem(one gem at a time!), for me I resolve dependencies
    manually, and download the gems direct from

  • build a list of files again in /usr

  • run a diff between the two lists to find new files(this is a fairly
    complicated command, the one I often forget:
    for i in diff -u /tmp/usr-before-gd.log /tmp/usr-after-gd.log | grep ^+ | grep /usr/ | sed s'/+//'g; do [ -d $i ] || echo $i ;done >/tmp/new.txt

  • tar those new files up into a tarball

  • copy tarball to debian/ubuntu system (or some system that has alien

  • run alien in prepare mode, edit the SPEC file, change values as
    add descriptions and stuff so we can query what the rpm is)

  • run rpmbuild to build the binary

it takes about 10 minutes per gem, if your updating gems often this is
painful, but we don’t update too often, I’ve gone through this process
4 times in the past year. Been deploying gems this way for over a year
and haven’t had any problems(as in the files I built missing stuff or
versions etc). If there’s a better/faster way to build RPMs that’d be
I’d love to build source rpms from gems, though the only way I know how
build rpms myself is with alien which is cheating, but it works… I
building source rpms would take a lot more time.

The resulting RPMs are pushed out to about 60 systems.


On Nov 11, 2007, at 3:01 PM, Justin H. wrote:


Posted via

Here is a script called gemcmd. This script is to be used in place of
the gem command. It will choose the proper platform and will install
the latest version of the requested gem available with no interaction
so it is suitable to be called from scripts.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

‘gemcmd’ - A non-interactive version of ‘gem’.

Original code

Copyright 2006 by Chad F., Rich Kilmer, Jim W. and others.

Monkey Patch by Todd F.:

Revolution On Rails: Code Digest #2

Integrated into command line by Neil W. [email protected]

(c) 2007

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License


with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,


51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


require ‘rubygems’

required_version =“>= 1.8.0”)
unless required_version.satisfied_by?(
puts “Expected Ruby Version #{required_version}, was #{RUBY_VERSION}”

Gem::RemoteInstaller.class_eval do

:find_gem_to_install_without_ruby_only_platform, :find_gem_to_install

def find_gem_to_install( gem_name, version_requirement, caches =
nil )
if caches # old version of rubygems used to pass a caches object
caches.each {|k,v| caches[k].each { |name,spect|
caches[k].remove_spec(name) unless spec.platform ==
(ENV[‘GEMCMD_PLATFORM’]||Gem::Platform::RUBY) } }
find_gem_to_install_without_ruby_only_platform( gem_name,
version_requirement, caches )
Gem::StreamUI.class_eval do

:choose_from_list_without_choosing_ruby_only, :choose_from_list
def choose_from_list( question, list )
result_index = -1
result= nil
list.each_with_index do |item,index|
if item.match(/(#{ENV[‘GEMCMD_PLATFORM’]||
result_index = index
result = item
return [result, result_index]


  find_gem_to_install_without_ruby_only_platform( gem_name,

version_requirement )



We need to preserve the original ARGV to use for passing gem options

to source gems. If there is a – in the line, strip all options after

it…its for the source building process.

args = !ARGV.include?(“–”) ? ARGV.clone : ARGV[0…ARGV.index(“–”)]

Ezra Z. wrote:

Here is a script called gemcmd. This script is to be used in place of
the gem command. It will choose the proper platform and will install
the latest version of the requested gem available with no interaction
so it is suitable to be called from scripts.

Looks like that script has it’s uses, but it wouldn’t be suitable for
me, I want to be sure that the same version of a gem is installed on
every system, whether I install the system in 10 minutes or 6 weeks
from now, or 6 months from now(been running most of the same gem
for probably at least 10 months so far).


On Nov 11, 2007, at 15:01 , Justin H. wrote:

nate wrote:

That tells me what I needed to know. The only way to accomplish this
right now is by downloading the gems manually and installing them that
way. I was beginning to lean that way anyhow, but I guess there are
worse things than making my dependencies more explicit.

No, try the beta.

There’s a new one coming out probably Tuesday night, I’m waiting on
one more patch.

nate wrote:

That tells me what I needed to know. The only way to accomplish this
right now is by downloading the gems manually and installing them that
way. I was beginning to lean that way anyhow, but I guess there are
worse things than making my dependencies more explicit.


Eric H. wrote:

On Nov 11, 2007, at 06:28 , nate wrote:


Download gems direct from | your community gem host. It will
round-robin across all the mirrors.

Don’t punish one mirror.

You may want to update this page then:

The gems link is a direct reference to that one mirror.

On Tue, 2007-11-13 at 08:21 +0900, Eric H. wrote:

Don’t punish one mirror.
Yup, what Eric said. And thanks again to our mirror providers!



On Nov 11, 2007, at 06:28 , nate wrote:


Download gems direct from | your community gem host. It will
round-robin across all the mirrors.

Don’t punish one mirror.

On Nov 9, 2007 6:48 PM, Justin H. [email protected] wrote:

Unfortunately, the list entries aren’t even stable – sometimes option
#1 is the mswin32 and sometimes it’s the ruby choice. So I can’t even do
something nasty like “echo 1 | gem install -y mongrel” and be assured of
getting the right thing.

Is there any way to tell gem, from the commandline, precisely which gem
I want? The documentation seems sparse, and I haven’t had the time to go
digging through gem’s source code yet. (My hope is that this is any easy

One way is to install the gems on one machine and run a gem server on
Then install the other machines from that server

If you install only one version of a gem, only one will be offered and
you’ll exactly
know which one.

This will make the install a bit faster, as you’ll be downloading from
the local network.
Setting up a gem server is pretty easy – e.g.
