Hi! I want to auto-select the form method in my form creator to automate
the creation of forms. Do you know any better way to do this? :
(I want a better solution for this: form_method f, @resource, attribute
The erb form:
<% form_for(:resource,
:url => resource_path,
:html => { :method => :put }) do |f| %>
<% resource_columns.each_with_index do |attribute, index| -%>
<%= resource_titles[index] -%>
<%= form_method f, @resource, attribute -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
The helper:
This Helper returns the apropiate form method
for the resource and attribute
def form_method form, resource, attribute
case resource.column_for_attribute(attribute).type
when :string : form.text_field(attribute)
when :text : form.text_area(attribute)
when :integer : form.text_field(attribute)
when :float : form.text_field(attribute)
when :decimal : form.text_field(attribute)
when :datetime : form.text_field(attribute)
when :timestamp : form.text_field(attribute)
when :time : form.text_field(attribute)
when :date : form.text_field(attribute)
when :binary : form.check_box(attribute)
when :boolean : form.check_box(attribute)