I encountered a problem in 1.8.5, or at least in ruby-1.8.5-4.fc6 from
Fedora Core 6.
Do this:
irb(main):001:0> autoload :Syslog, ‘syslog’
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> require ‘syslog’
and get a lot of error messages about already initialized constants.
Also, syslog.so appears twice in $".
It can get even worse if you have a couple of autoloads for the same
With 1.8.4 this problem didn’t exist.
and get a lot of error messages about already initialized constants.
Also, syslog.so appears twice in $".
Could this be related to the recurrent FXRuby load bug? If so, it’s
probably being Worked On.
Already initialized constant messages are warnings - you can safely
ignore those if you know they’re not your fault. Basically, just ignore
this until it goes away, Someone Broke ™ DLL/SO loading.
I wonder if that means we’ll get the Christmas release after all
and get a lot of error messages about already initialized constants.
Also, syslog.so appears twice in $".
Could this be related to the recurrent FXRuby load bug? If so, it’s
probably being Worked On.
It has nothing to do with FXRuby.
Already initialized constant messages are warnings - you can safely
ignore those if you know they’re not your fault. Basically, just ignore
this until it goes away, Someone Broke ™ DLL/SO loading.
Yes, I know I can ignore them, but sixty lines of them are kind of
hard to ignore, and in the meantime you have to try to find the
What David was trying to say (I think) is that a change was introduced
in Ruby 1.8.5 that caused Ruby to start spewing “Already initialized
constant” messages whenever you try to load FXRuby. You may be seeing
another symptom of the same problem, just in a different context.
I reverted the last patch (put rb_provide_feature(feature); at the top
again) and everything seems fine.
And yes, it’s possible that FXRuby is bitten by this as well.
Of course, someone, probably Nobuyoshi N., didn’t push this line
to the bottom for nothing, so I probably broke something else with my
I guess this has to do with it (from Changelog):
Sat Jul 15 23:50:12 2006 Nobuyoshi N. [email protected]
* eval.c (rb_require_safe): wait for another thread requiring
the same
feature. fixed: [ruby-core:08229]
but I could be totally wrong here.
Han H.
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