Auto-reloading and local gems

Hi there.

I’m interested in extracting parts of my application to a local gem in
vendor/gems. The reason I haven’t done that yet is that I’m not sure
what would be the best way to handle auto-reloading for such gems…

I’m pretty aware of the argument that if you’re doing TDD you don’t need
auto-reloading, but still I’m interested in auto-reloading.

I’ve taken a look at a few solutions like require_reloader and
but I’d prefer to use some more robust approach if possible, as I wasn’t
much comfortable with their implementation…

Is there any official way for developing Rails applications with local
so that their code could be automatically reloaded in some robust/easy

Thanks in advance,

Just FYI, I’ve already achieved this using some techniques just after
posting the question but I’m still interested in knowing whether there’s
some official way of supporting that flow…

Em quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014 14h27min45s UTC-2, Rodrigo
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