Auto-generated find queries adding bogus WHERE clauses

[Sorry for the poor subject; this is really hard to explain]

I’m trying to run a search over several objects which themselves contain
multiple model objects, like so:

class Collection << ActiveRecord::Base
def findpkg
self.repositories.each do |r|
p = r.packages.find(:all, :conditions => “name like ‘%pkg%’”)

Unfortunately, AR proceeds to generate SQL that looks like this:

Package Load (0.000548) SELECT * FROM packages WHERE
(packages.repository_id = 3 AND (name like ‘%pkg%’))
Package Load (0.000167) SELECT * FROM packages WHERE
(packages.repository_id = 4 AND (packages.repository_id = 3
AND (name like ‘%pkg%’)))
Package Load (0.000151) SELECT * FROM packages WHERE
(packages.repository_id = 5 AND (packages.repository_id = 4
AND (packages.repository_id = 3 AND (name like ‘%pkg%’))))
Package Load (0.000160) SELECT * FROM packages WHERE
(packages.repository_id = 13 AND (packages.repository_id = 5
AND (packages.repository_id = 4 AND (packages.repository_id = 3
AND (name like ‘%pkg%’)))))

Note that each successive query prepends an extra clause, instead of
replacing the previous repository_id clause.

Has anyone seen anything like this? I can provide relevant chunks of
on request, but I’m not doing anything exciting in my models – just
standard sorts of has_many relationships. I’ll turn this into a bug
if needed, I just want to get a reality check before I go nuts.

  • Matt

[Please respect MFT to rails-core; I think most of the discussion of
if any, will be more topical there]

On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 01:33:32PM +1100, Matthew P. wrote:

class Collection << ActiveRecord::Base
def findpkg
self.repositories.each do |r|
p = r.packages.find(:all, :conditions => “name like ‘%pkg%’”)

The bug is that HasManyAssociation#find modifies it’s arguments, so the
above (slightly fictionalised) variant is misleading; the real code is:

def findpkg(*args)
self.repositories.each do |r|
p = r.packages.find(*args)
# Do things with p

Adding “puts args.inspect” before and after the call to find() shows
args is in fact being modified, by the fact that the options object is
same as args[1] on the entry to HasManyAssociation#find. This simple
makes the whole problem go away:

— has_many_association.rb 2006-02-10 16:37:32.000000000 +1100
+++ has_many_association.rb.orig 2006-02-10 16:37:21.000000000
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@

   def find(*args)
  •    options = Base.send(:extract_options_from_args!, args).dup
  •    options = Base.send(:extract_options_from_args!, args)
       # If using a custom finder_sql, scan the entire collection.
       if @options[:finder_sql]


I’m planning on reporting this in Trac, but I’m curious about people’s
opinions – is it reasonable to assume that arguments which appear, on
surface, to be read-only may be modified by called methods?

  • Matt