Auto_complete_for reimplementation


I would like to create a “custom” version of the “auto_complete_for”
function, I took the source code, and altered it to my needs, and, off
course, changed the name (from auto_complete_for to
custom_auto_complete_for , just for testing purporses). But rails keep
complaining that the new method doesn’t exits!

I already did something similar with the “error_messages_for” function,
and just wrote the new one in the application_helper.rb file, and just
worked everywhere… but for the auto_complete_for function: I don’t
know where to put it, I tried to put it in the helper, in the
controller itself, and even in the model: no, it doesn’t work, like the
function didn’t existed.

Any ideas?

Ildefonso Camargo

On Oct 11, 10:24 pm, “soulhunter” [email protected] wrote:

worked everywhere… but for the auto_complete_for function: I don’t
know where to put it, I tried to put it in the helper, in the
controller itself, and even in the model: no, it doesn’t work, like the
function didn’t existed.

Any ideas?

Ildefonso Camargo

If you want to override the standard ‘auto_complete_for :action,
:method’, all you have to do is define a method named
‘auto_complete_for_action_method’ in your controller and skip the
‘auto_complete_for’ line completely.



Thanks for your answer!

On Oct 11, 11:09 pm, “_Kevin” [email protected] wrote:

complaining that the new method doesn’t exits!
Ildefonso Camargo
If you want to override the standard ‘auto_complete_for :action,
:method’, all you have to do is define a method named
‘auto_complete_for_action_method’ in your controller and skip the
‘auto_complete_for’ line completely.

Yes, I know, I already did that, but the thing is: I want to replace
ALL the autocompletions in my project (more than 20), because I want to
change the search conditions (from LIKE to ~* , and need to add some
character substitution).

Thus, I tried to define this method (for testing purporses):

def custom_auto_complete_for(object, method, options = {})
	define_method("auto_complete_for_#{object}_#{method}") do
		find_options = {
			:conditions => [ "#{method} ~* ? ", '%' +

params[object][method].downcase + ‘%’],
:order => “#{method} ASC”,
:limit => 10 }.merge!(options)

		@items = object.to_s.camelize.constantize.find(:all, find_options)

		render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result @items, '#{method}' %>"

That is my first approach, but when I try to call it, rails would just

undefined method `custom_auto_complete_for’ for

and the log says:

NoMethodError (undefined method `custom_auto_complete_for’ for

I defined the method in application_helper.rb , but I also tried to
define it locally in the “contribuyentes_controller.rb” file: I get the
same error.

Thanks in advance,

Ildefonso Camargo

I’ll check on it.


Hi, again.

I just found this:

but I can’t download the plug-in :frowning: . Does anybody has it?, the server
just says:

script/plugin install
svn: Can’t connect to host ‘’: Connection refused

I would appreciate any help on this… the plug-in clearly
reimplements the auto_complete_for method, wich is exactly what I need
to do.

Thanks in advance,

Ildefonso Camargo

Should be working now. If you still have trouble email me and I’ll
send you a copy.
