AuthLogic login page: undefined method `login' and `password'

I have an application that allows multiple email addresses per user,
each of which works as a login for a single account. As such, the user
table has no login field, but instead has_many :emails, each of which
includes an address field.

I’m using AuthLogic for this, as I’ve had some success with it in the
past. Unfortunately, AuthLogic is not behaving as well in my app as in
the examples.

I start with:
class UserSession < AuthLogic::Session::Base
find_by_login_method :find_by_email
(with an appropriate find_by_email(address) function defined in

First, Rails won’t serve the login page:
undefined method `login’ for #<UserSession: no credentials provided>

If I add to user_session.rb a method: def login; @login; end, it
instead complains about password:
undefined method `password’ for #<UserSession: no credentials

I can provide both, and the page loads, but then when I submit (with
ANY value in the fields), I get the following validation error:

1 error prohibited this user session from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
You did not provide any details for authentication.

My user_sessions_controller.rb is pretty much the default given in the
authlogic example app.

I know it shouldn’t be necessary for me to write in a def login and
def password method in user_session.rb. I gather that I’ve made some
trivial mistake, but have no idea where to look and can find no tips
anywhere in the Googleverse.

Many thanks!

Check your routes to make sure you’ve configured the login correctly:

rake routes

Hi Lee, and thanks so much for your reply.

I checked over my routes, and I think I have resolved a few issues
that might have been preventing the login page from working correctly
– but alas, not all of them. I’m still getting exactly the same
problems when serving the login page.

One issue is that I don’t create new users through the
UsersController, but rather through PeopleController (each User
belongs_to :person). I have in UsersController’s new and create
methods simple redirects to equivalent methods in PeopleController.

Otherwise, here is a sample of my routes.rb file. I admit that I am
behind on my understanding of this config compared to other elements
of rails.

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resource :account, :controller => “users” # this formerly
pointed to people instead of users
map.resources :users

map.resources :pages

Page.all.each do |page|“Connecting page #{page.title}”)
map.connect page.slug, :controller => ‘pages’, :action =>
‘show’, :id =>
Rails.logger.error(“Could not connect Page routes”)

… other normal resources …

map.resources :people

map.resources :password_resets

map.resource :user_session

map.resources :user_sessions # I just removed this one

map.login ‘login’, :controller => ‘user_sessions’, :action => ‘new’
map.logout ‘logout’, :controller => ‘user_sessions’, :action =>

Set default root

map.root :controller => “people”, :action => “new”

404: Not found has ID 404

not_found_page = Page.find 404
unless not_found_page.nil?
map.error ‘*url’, :controller => ‘pages’, :action => ‘show’, :id
=> 404
Rails.logger.error(“Could not connect 404 Page route”)

Install the default routes as the lowest priority.

Note: These default routes make all actions in every controller

accessible via GET requests. You should

consider removing or commenting them out if you’re using named

routes and resources.
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

Again, thanks for your assistance.


John W. wrote:

For the record, I believe I have discovered the problem.

Authlogic absolutely requires that there be a login field of some sort
in the User model – even if you don’t actually use it for logging in.

No. Authlogic is smart enough to use email if login doesn’t exist.
Further configuration is probably possible; check the docs.

It also needs to contain some unique value, presumably, or there will
be validation problems.

Well, yes, Authlogic expects that the username or e-mail address will
actually be in the users table. :slight_smile:

I simply used the email address people sign up
with initially, and also keep a copy of that in the emails table.

You shouldn’t need to keep the same data in two places. Try reworking
your associations or your Authlogic configuration.

I assume this is a bug of some sort. It’d be great if Authlogic were
more informative with its error messages; without a login field, it
produces all kinds of unrelated errors.

Thanks so much for the help.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

For the record, I believe I have discovered the problem.

Authlogic absolutely requires that there be a login field of some sort
in the User model – even if you don’t actually use it for logging in.
It also needs to contain some unique value, presumably, or there will
be validation problems. I simply used the email address people sign up
with initially, and also keep a copy of that in the emails table.

I assume this is a bug of some sort. It’d be great if Authlogic were
more informative with its error messages; without a login field, it
produces all kinds of unrelated errors.

Thanks so much for the help.
