AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'block_name'

I created a C++ block with gr_modtool,
following the commands:

$ gr_modtool newmod PWagc
$ gr_modtool add -t general power_control

I written and compiled my block with commands:

$cmake …/ && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig

Until this point all seems ok, but when I open gnuradio and try to
my block…
the following error appears:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/”, line 261, in
tb = top_block(address=options.address)
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/”, line 153, in init
self.PWagc_power_control_0 = PWagc.power_control(0.001, 0.25)
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘power_control’

I’m not able to understand from which this error derive…
If needed, I can attach the etc… files.

My gnuradio version is the 3.7.4 and
in this last folder I can see the installed gr-PWagc directory.

Someone can help me please?
If additional information are needed, please ask me… I’m blocked here!

Simone Ciccia

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Simone Ciccia S210664 <
[email protected]> wrote:

Simone Ciccia

We’ve been seeing this issue from a few people recently. I can’t
the problem. I just did exactly what you did above, though the work
function doesn’t actually do anything.

Are you potentially adding some interface setter or getter to the class
not putting it in all the right places (pure virtual in the public
then again in the private header, and implemented in the source file)?

Have you added QA code? In, just add a line to the
function to create the PWagc.power_control(x,y) and see if it works


Very thanks for the immediate answer,

Sorry, I forgot that I passed two arguments when the block was created:

$insert valid arguments: float reference, float alpha

while “unsigned int d_counter” is a normal variable initialized in the

now, in the file power_control_impl.h (in short) I added the variables:

class power_control_impl : public power_control

float d_alpha, d_ref;
unsigned int d_counter;

and then, in the constructor of the file (in
short) I
used the settler:

power_control_impl::power_control_impl(float alpha, float reference)
  : gr::block("power_control",gr::io_signature::make2(2, 2,

sizeof(float), sizeof(float)),
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float))),

the xml file (in short) I think is ok:

PWagc.power_control($alpha, $reference)

Alpha alpha float Reference reference float

is there something in the wrong place?
thanks for the help!

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 09:35:35 -0400, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

I written and compiled my block with commands:
tb = top_block(address=options.address)
in this last folder I can see the installed gr-PWagc directory.

Someone can help me please?
If additional information are needed, please ask me… I’m blocked here!

Simone Ciccia

We’ve been seeing this issue from a few people recently. I can’t
the problem. I just did exactly what you did above, though the work
function doesn’t actually do anything.

Are you potentially adding some interface setter or getter to the class
not putting it in all the right places (pure virtual in the public
then again in the private header, and implemented in the source file)?

Have you added QA code? In, just add a line to the
function to create the PWagc.power_control(x,y) and see if it works

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Simone Ciccia S210664 <
[email protected]> wrote:

power_control_impl::power_control_impl(float alpha, float reference)

is there something in the wrong place?
thanks for the help!

Yeah, I figured there were two arguments. I just put them as x and y.

One thing that can happen here is if there’s a declared function in the
public and/or private header that’s not implemented in the .cc file. You
might have something like that going on, such as not having or deleting
destructor. Using gr_modtool should protect you from things like this,
testing it out on my end here worked fine. Just double-check your work
make sure you didn’t remove anything you shouldn’t have.


I have individuated the error and we are near the solution, thanks to

I just remember the error that appear when I try to run a simulation of
new block “power”:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/”, line 228, in
tb = top_block()
File “/home/simone/Scrivania/”, line 71, in init
self.t1_power_0 = t1.power(0.001, 0.5)
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘power’

I tried my block just eliminating the use of the class function
gr::uhd::usrp_source and it works.
So, the error is in the way in which I define and call a new USRP source

/*************************************** INSTRUCTION
This is my creation of the new UHD object in the file of my new
written block

::uhd::device_addr_t addr;

gr::uhd::usrp_source::sptr my_usrp_source =
gr::uhd::usrp_source::make(addr, ::uhd::stream_args_t(“fc32”));

and then I use this function

DB_gain = (float) my_usrp_source->get_gain(0);


I have some questions:

consider the flowgraph attached in this mail,

first of all, I’m using an usrp (UHD: USRP SOURCE block) with a fixed ip
address (addr=, and I set “sudo ifconfig eth0”
and get “addr” to setup the device.
In the same flowgraph, in my created block (my now I’m
another USRP source block and I don’t understand which address I need to
use to set correctly the make function (see instruction above) for
modifying parameters of the same USRP that is working, the USRP with
In my code I set addr=

Second, this definition:
gr::uhd::usrp_source::sptr my_usrp_source =
gr::uhd::usrp_source::make(addr, ::uhd::stream_args_t(“fc32”));

is sufficient to put it into the general work and no other places to use
this class??? The compilare does not advice me that there is an error,
my definition for class usage is not clear and wrong and then I get
in simulation…

Anyway, is well appreciated if someone can show me the correct way to
define and use function of other classes into a new created block!

On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 09:48:32 -0400, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

and then, in the constructor of the file (in

Yeah, I figured there were two arguments. I just put them as x and y.

One thing that can happen here is if there’s a declared function in the
public and/or private header that’s not implemented in the .cc file. You
might have something like that going on, such as not having or deleting
destructor. Using gr_modtool should protect you from things like this,

[email protected]> wrote:

$cmake …/ && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
self.PWagc_power_control_0 = PWagc.power_control(0.001, 0.25)
Someone can help me please?
function doesn’t actually do anything.

Are you potentially adding some interface setter or getter to the