Working with the Dizzy build of E310 and trying to get GUI items to run
that have no QWT in them to run.
Starting with uhd_fft.grc (gnuradio-companion run with LD_PRELOADS
documented previously) with all blocks disable except QTGUI Frequency
This now runs until it hits
self.settings=Qt.QSettings(“GNU Radio”,“uhd_fft”)
self.restoreGeometry(self.settings.value(“geometry”). toByteArray()
Attribute Error: ‘QByteArray’ object has no attribute ‘toByteArray’
Commenting out this line allows that Python Program to run and properly
display the GUI.
Looking briefly into this /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qbytearray.h it
have any toByteArray and not being as familiar as I could be with what
piece of code is asking for this, any pointers regarding where the root
cause of this might be would be appreciated.
I know that there are issues with the PyQt implementation in this build
that are being addressed, but my suspicion is that this is unrelated to
that work.