Attachment_fu resizing images already uploaded

hi, got a query.

i’m using the attachment_fu plugin to handle photo storage and that’s
working fine, however now i’ve come to realise the initial size i set
the thumbnails and full photos isn’t right, so i’ve changed the sizing
for future uploads but need to do this for past uploads.

any ideas how i’d do this, maybe in a migration or rake task?

i’m thinking i could build a task to reimport each full photo, after
which it deletes the original record, which is do-able.

just wondering if there’s any magic method i’m missing to do it better?

appreciate any replies on this,

since you most likely have to do it only once,
you can do it in script/console.

Either write a small script for that task and start it in the console.
Or add a method to the model that contains the data and start that
within te console.

I eventually managed to get the time to put this one together, rake
script below…

#(run => ‘rake images:[task]’ or ‘rake RAILS_ENV=production

namespace :images do
desc “list images”
task(:list => :environment) do
# list all images
@photos = Image.find(:all, :conditions => [‘parent_id is null’])
@photos.each do |@photo|
iFile = @photo.filename #@photo.public_filename
iPath = RAILS_ROOT+"/public#{@photo.public_filename}"
iID =
iUser_ID = @photo.user_id.to_s
iWidth = @photo.width.to_s
iHeight = @photo.height.to_s
puts ‘id:’+iID+’ userid:’+iUser_ID+’ width:’+iWidth+’
height:’+iHeight+’ file:’+iFile+’ path:’+iPath

desc “add test image”
task(:add_test => :environment) do
# add image
iFile = ‘test2.jpg’
iPath = ‘/var/www/apps/dates/test.jpg’
@img = => iFile, :content_type => ‘image/jpeg’,
:temp_path => iPath, :user_id => 1).save!

desc “update test image”
task(:update_test => :environment) do
# update image
iFile = ‘test2.jpg’
iPath = ‘/var/www/apps/dates/test2.jpg’
@img = Image.find(‘101’)
if @img.update_attributes(:filename => iFile, :content_type =>
‘image/jpeg’, :temp_path => iPath, :user_id => 1)
puts iFile + ’ updated!’

desc “reimage all existing images - test”
task(:reimage_test => :environment) do
# re-import all existing images - test
@photos = Image.find(:all, :conditions => [‘parent_id is null and
user_id = 2’])
@photos.each do |@photo|
iFile = @photo.filename
iPath = RAILS_ROOT+"/public#{@photo.public_filename}"
iType = @photo.content_type
iUser_ID = @photo.user_id
if @photo.update_attributes(:filename => iFile, :content_type =>
iType, :temp_path => iPath, :user_id => iUser_ID)
puts iFile + ’ updated!’

desc “reimage all existing images”
task(:reimage => :environment) do
# re-import all existing images
@photos = Image.find(:all, :conditions => [‘parent_id is null’])
@photos.each do |@photo|
iFile = @photo.filename
iPath = RAILS_ROOT+"/public#{@photo.public_filename}"
iType = @photo.content_type
iUser_ID = @photo.user_id
if @photo.update_attributes(:filename => iFile, :content_type =>
iType, :temp_path => iPath, :user_id => iUser_ID)
puts iFile + ’ updated!’


it’s a bit quick & dirty but it does the job.

all the best,
