Attachment_fu max height/width


I use attachment_fu for uploading avatars.
I only want to save the attachment, if the height and the width of the
image are smaller than 100px.(the system should not resize it) If the
attachment is larger I want to show a error message.

Here is my the model.

class Avatar < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_attachment :content_type => :image,
:storage => :file_system,
:max_size => 300.kilobytes



thanks for your help.

I think the best way is to resize image without error confirmation.
Simple add: :resize_to => [50,50]
to the has_attachment.
Or if you really want to check size, then you may use validate method,
and check for the
if width > your_width_max and height > your_height_max

Look into this article:

On Jul 28, 1:08 pm, “Michael M.” [email protected]

thank you Solid!

Thanks for what, what was the solution… I still don’t see any way to
find out the dimensions of the original image, nor can I find
information anywhere about how to get the original dimensions, just
using “width” doesn’t work.

On Jul 28, 5:27 am, “Michael M.” [email protected]