Attachment_fu inside a form for a different model

I’m getting very confused trying to use attachment_fu, but i’m sure the
answer is simple to one of you…

I have a model called ‘MusicService’, which has a logo associated with
it. Logos have been set up to belong_to :music_service, and
music_service has_one :logo. Logo is also set up to be an attachment,
with has_attachment and the usual parameters. So far so good.

On the edit page for music_service is where i’m having problems - along
with all the other fields for music_service i have a file_field for the
logo file. Whereas the other fields write into a params field called
‘name’, ‘address’ etc, the file_field is writing into :uploaded_data.
When i submit the form, the ‘update’ controller action is called. How
do i deal with :uploaded_data in the controller?

I’m using attachment_fu elsewhere, where i have a form to edit a single
attachment object, and that works fine, it’s just incorporating it into
a larger form for a different model that’s got me snarled up.

Any suggestions?

On 1/28/08, Max W. [email protected] wrote:

with all the other fields for music_service i have a file_field for the
Do you have the file_field inside a fields_for block in your view?

something like.

<% form_for @music_service, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %>

<% f.fields_for :logo, @music_service.logo do |logo| %>
<%= logo.file_field “uploaded_data” %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

Note the :html => {:multipart => true} on the outer form_for, it’s

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

Rick Denatale wrote:

<% form_for @music_service, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %>

<% f.fields_for :logo, @music_service.logo do |logo| %>
<%= logo.file_field “uploaded_data” %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

Ah…so that’s how you do nested forms! Nice one, that was what i was
stuck on i think.

Thanks a lot… I was searching for the exact same thing…

But if you are using this form for creating a New file upload, you have
to instantiate the nested object too.

example -
for the code given above

<% form_for @music_service, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %>

<% f.fields_for :logo, @music_service.logo do |logo| %>
<%= logo.file_field “uploaded_data” %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

In the controllers new method/action you should put in a line

@music_service = # there by default
@music_service.logo = # Add this to avoid an error related
to new_record?