Association extensions question

Having a brain fart on on this one, maybe someone can set me straight

i have a model that can be requested by and assigned to a user so i
have an ‘assigned_to_id’ column and a ‘requested_by_id’ column. Now
originally i had setup the models as:

class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :requester, :class_name => “User”, :foreign_key =>
belongs_to :assignee, :class_name => “User”, :foreign_key =>


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :requested_things, :class_name => “Thing”, :foreign_key =>
has_many :assigned_things, :class_name => “Thing”, :foreign_key =>

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :things do
def requested
find(:all, :conditions => ‘requested_by_id = #{id}’
def assigned
find:all, :conditions => ‘assigned_to_id = #{id}’

but attempting to do

@user.things.requested results in:

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.user_id = 1 AND (assigned_to_id =

where i want

SELECT * FROM pick_requests WHERE (things.assigned_to_id = 1)

so is there a way to do what i am trying to do or should i just stick
with the first attempt?

Hello Chris,

Having a brain fart on on this one, maybe someone can set me

i have a model that can be requested by and assigned to a
user so i have an ‘assigned_to_id’ column and a ‘requested_by_id’
column. Now originally i had setup the models as:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :things do
def requested
find(:all, :conditions => ‘requested_by_id = #{id}’

There’s a missing parenthesis. Paste error, I’m guessing.

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.user_id = 1 AND (assigned_to_id = #{id}))
Are you sure ?
Doesn’t it generate :

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.user_id = 1 AND (requested_by_id =

where i want

SELECT * FROM pick_requests WHERE (things.assigned_to_id = 1)

Are sure this SQL statement is correct ?

so is there a way to do what i am trying to do or should i just stick
with the first attempt?

It’s not clear to me what you attempt to do, what is pick_requests ?
where does it come from ?

– Jean-François.

Ã? la renverse.

good catches on the typos. i was trying to be a bit abstract and
missed a couple of things

On 10/26/06, Jean-François [email protected] wrote:

has_many :things do
def requested
find(:all, :conditions => ‘requested_by_id = #{id}’

There’s a missing parenthesis. Paste error, I’m guessing.

yes, bad paste.

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.user_id = 1 AND (assigned_to_id = #{id}))

Are you sure ?
Doesn’t it generate :

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.user_id = 1 AND (requested_by_id = #{id}))

another bad paste, you are correct.

where i want

SELECT * FROM pick_requests WHERE (things.assigned_to_id = 1)

Are sure this SQL statement is correct ?

another bad paste, should be

SELECT * FROM things WHERE (things.assigned_to_id = 1)