Assigning admin invalidates the user

I am experiencing an issue as I am following the tutorial and
currently at the end of chapter 10. When I use toggle in the rails
console to flip the admin property of a user from false to true (I’m
trying to create an Admin user), I am successful in doing so, however
that user becomes invalid, when I try to log in to the application
with this user’s credential I am getting an error that the credentials
are incorrect (even though they are) … just from checking the logs
and the looking at the terminal, it seems the authenticity token is
either missing or incorrect… any ideas what I am doing wrong here? I
tried following the tutorial as close as possible, I doubt I missed
something, but its obviously possible…

Thank you and best regards!

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 12:14 PM, non useless [email protected]

something, but its obviously possible…

Thank you and best regards!

There are lots of tutorials out there. Please be more specific as to
one you were following. For example, give us a link to it.
