This seems like a bug, but maybe I’m missing
something. Calls to assert_tag that come after the
second get() call do not check the most recent
response! Am I doing something wrong?
ses = open_session
ses.get 'post/jay'
# this works fine
ses.assert_tag :content => 'hello from jay'
ses.get 'post/matt'
#this fails, but should pass
ses.assert_tag :content => 'hello from matt'
Now here is the weirdest part. Notice in the error
message that it shows the right html output and makes
it clear that it should pass. If I change ‘matt’ to
‘jay’ in the second assertion it works so it’s also
clear that it’s testing against the first response and
not the second. How do I assert against the second
- Failure:
expected tag, but no tag found matching
{:content=>“hello from matt”} in:
“hello from matt”.
is not true.
more detailed pastie link Parked at Loopia
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