Assert_equal problem

One of my tests with assert_equal has the message:

<5.0e-006> expected but was

What seems to be this error?

On Feb 3, 9:35 am, Ranieri T. [email protected] wrote:

Pará (UFPA)
Can you post some of the code around this test? Chances are you are
testing for equality with real numbers and it’s rare that they will
ever be exactly equal. A similar situation arises with testing time.
The time object is stored internally in milliseconds, but visually it
is displayed in seconds. This results in failed tests with:

<10:01 AM Sun Feb 3 2008> expected but was
<10:01 AM Sub Fep 3 2008>.

The solution is to use a delta time to be used as a margin of error.

time_delta = 100
assert_in_delta time1, time2, time_delta

I used time as an example, but should work for any real numbers

Ranieri T. wrote:

One of my tests with assert_equal has the message:
<5.0e-006> expected but was
What seems to be this error?

Read this and you’ll understand.
“What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point”

Clifford H…

Thanks for the help.