Assay v0.4.0 released

Assay 0.4.0 has been released.

The Assay project defines Assertions in the same way that Ruby defines
Exceptions. An asserition then simply becomes an extension to an
Exception class.

Version 0.4 is a very polished partial rewrite of the Assay project.
This release sheds all ancillary code to separate projects. The
compatibility layers are now assay-testunit, assay-minitest and
assay-rspec. The built-in grammar is now the fluidity project. All
assertion classes now end with Assay suffix instead of Failure and
they are defined at the toplevel.


  • Spin-off all ancillary code, leaving only core functionality.
  • Polish and semi-rewrite code.
  • Renamed all Assertion subclasses form xxxFailure to xxxAssay.
  • Add many new Assertion subclasses.
