Asking about object databases and active record

why is it that mysql a relational database is the preferred database
among rubyists and not an object orientated database (even a free object
orientated database)?

what is the important missing piece… i mean if you are using a object
programming language (and active record) why not the same for a database
system (to be consistent)? …isn’t simplier?

On 3/13/07, Dave R. [email protected] wrote:

why is it that mysql a relational database is the preferred database
among rubyists and not an object orientated database (even a free object
orientated database)?

I wasn’t aware we had a preferred database. Maybe you meant among Rails
users? In which case this might be a good question to ask the Rails

On Mar 13, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Dave R. wrote:

system (to be consistent)? …isn’t simplier?
Austin Z. addressed this quite well in a post on 2/16/07 in a
thread titled “object databases in Ruby?”.