Hello My Fellow Group Members,
Hope you had a great weekend!
I am excited to share this awesome opportunity with you! If you have
questions feel free to contact me J
I am currently partnered with a market research firm here in Atlanta.
leader in online survey research work with large clients such as
Comfort Inn and Nestle. We are seeking a Ruby on Rails developer with
and CSS3 experience to jump on board a 2 month contract to work on the
web-based reporting portals.
Who do you know that would be interested in exploring this opportunity?
Thanks for any direction you can provide
Jenny Laspesa
IT Search Executive
Description: Description: cid:[email protected]
47 Perimeter Center East Suite 295
Atlanta, GA 30346
P) 770-604-0006
F) 770-234-5730
Follow me on Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/jenITFriend