Ahoy Mateys!
ArrrrCamp brings you a Camp about your favorite language, framework
and CMS, and brings you in a holiday mood!
The conference takes place in Ghent, Belgium (Europe) on October 29th.
This edition we are having some interesting speakers for you
- Yehuda K. - Rails core, jQuery core, Merb, Datamapper, he has
done it all - Sean Crubbs - Former Radiant lead dev
- Carl L. - Rails 3 Core
- Joseph W. - member of the Cucumber core team
- Drew Neil - creator of the vimcasts, and core contributer to
Radiant CMS. - Cristi Duma - Man behind RadiantCasts
- Timothy Payton - Xing developer, Wallsome creator
- Sebastian Roebke - Xing developer, Wallsome creator
More to be announced.
Registration is open and ticket-price is 55 Euro’s. Hurry up because
places are limited.
More information on http://arrrrcamp.be
The Captain