[ARRAYS] Bidimensional Arrays? (opened)

Hi there!

I’m just new at ruby and I have a weird issue probably really dumb but i
just haven’t been able to figure it out.

Using arrays in C or whatever i could define an array using to indexing
numbers, in order to simulate a chess board or whatever…

board = array[8,8]

And then store info in that array like this

board[1,1] = whatever.

I just can’t get that to work in ruby! Why? How can i do it?


On 11/14/06, Flaab M. [email protected] wrote:

And then store info in that array like this

board[1,1] = whatever.

I just can’t get that to work in ruby! Why? How can i do it?

The ruby Array class is always a one dimensional array. You can create
an array of arrays to get two dimensional behavior.

ary = Array.new(3) {|idx| Array.new(3)}
ary[0][0] = 1

To make the indexing a little more clear

tmp =ary[0] # give me the row at index 0
tmp[0] = 1 # set the value at column 0 of row 0 to 1 (since
tmp is really row 0)

But usually you can just glom all that together like so …

ary[0][0] = 1
ary[0][1] = 2
ary[0][2] = 3

I hope this answers your question.


Flaab M. wrote:

And then store info in that array like this

board[1,1] = whatever.

I just can’t get that to work in ruby! Why? How can i do it?


The easiest way to define a multidimensional array in Ruby is to define
an array of arrays:

board = Array.new(8) { Array.new(8) }

Run “ri Array.new” to read about how to create and initialize arrays.