Array::index broken

Is there a way to call Array::index in Rails???

This is what I want to do: do |value|
@photos.index(value)%5 == 0 ? (@sorted_photos[i += 1] ||= []) <<
value : (@sorted_photos[i] ||= []) << value

However Rails is hijacking the index method call and breaking.

It would appear you can’t call each_with_index from a controller
either. Is there any way to actually do this?

Quoting G. [email protected]:

  @photos.index(value)%5 == 0 ? (@sorted_photos[i += 1] ||= []) <<

value : (@sorted_photos[i] ||= []) << value

However Rails is hijacking the index method call and breaking.

Array::each_index() works for me in a model. Are you sure of operator
precedence and grouping? Try fully parenthesizing the expressions.


My fault. I was forgetting to set @sorted_photos ||= [].