I am using AJAX so much that I never refresh the entire webpage for
the admin side of a webapp. If two people are viewing the same data
and one person makes a change then I want the change to show up in the
other person’s page.
I can have the client poll the server every two seconds to look for
I’m not really interested in Comet for keeping a connection open
between the client and server.
On the rails-core mailing list I read about armageddon and the use of
Flash for real sockets so the server can push data to the client. That
seems great but I’m wary of using Flash at all partly because I don’t
know much about it and partly because I believe in sticking to
webstandards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A future cell phone is
more likely to have these three than having Flash. Are these worries
unjustified? Will Rails sites using armageddon have to pay money to
Macromedia? How many months until armageddon is available?