ArgumentError database.yml


I have a new install of rails 3.0.3 on Snow Leopard. When I first
power up the rails server and hit a page I get the following error. A
subsequent hit to the same page results in a rendered page with no
error. I’ve tried various adapters with the same result.



syntax error on line 3, col 9: ` adapter: postgresql’

Rails.root: /Users/steve/Dropbox/Prototypes/Rails/first


SQLite version 3.x

gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)

adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
host: localhost
username: postgres
template: template0
database: mydb

On Dec 21, 8:17pm, Barb [email protected] wrote:


I have a new install of rails 3.0.3 on Snow Leopard. When I first
power up the rails server and hit a page I get the following error. A
subsequent hit to the same page results in a rendered page with no
error. I’ve tried various adapters with the same result.

There’s a syntax error in your yaml file. Make sure you are using
spaces rather than tabs and that there aren’t any nasty invisible
characters hanging around


Ah, that was it. There were some hidden tabs in there. Very picky.


On Dec 21, 9:31pm, Frederick C. [email protected]