Argument Error


I’m learning Ruby and I want to know how to make a script have an
argument, i.e.

ruby script.rb 3 2

So far I have this:

abort “Correct syntax is ruby [script].rb [number to exponentially
multiply by] [exponent]” unless ARGV.size == 2
var = gets.chomp
var2 = gets.chomp
puts (var.to_i ** var2)

It’s a simple exponential calculator.

I get this error when trying to run it with 2 arguments (2 and 3).

exponent.rb:2:in gets': No such file or directory - 2 (Errno::ENOENT) from exponent.rb:2:ingets’ from exponent.rb:2:in `’

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Hd Pwnz0r
[email protected] wrote:

multiply by] [exponent]" unless ARGV.size == 2
var = gets.chomp
var2 = gets.chomp

You have the program arguments in the ARGV array, as you probably
know, since you’ve used it in the previous line:

var = ARGV[0].to_i
var2 = ARGV[1].to_i

(I’ve added the to_i, since it seems you want to use them as numbers)

puts (var.to_i ** var2)

It’s a simple exponential calculator.

I get this error when trying to run it with 2 arguments (2 and 3).

exponent.rb:2:in gets': No such file or directory - 2 (Errno::ENOENT) from exponent.rb:2:in gets’ from exponent.rb:2:in `’


On Jul 31, 2010, at 3:46 PM 7/31/10, Hd Pwnz0r wrote:

multiply by] [exponent]" unless ARGV.size == 2

gets reads from an IO stream, not the arguments on the command line:

The arguments on the command line are stored in the ARGV array. That’s
why you check ARGV’s size to verify that there are only 2 arguments.

So the code should read the options out of the ARGV array, not trying to
gets things. There are a couple of ways to do this. My favourite looks

var = ARGV.shift
var2 = ARGV.shift

A couple of more complicated ways, but more flexible ways, of getting
command line arguments are optionparser and getopts. I typically use
getopts, with no real rationale behind it than that I learned it that
way first.