
I don`t want to use ‘find_by_sql’, but currently it is the only way
to get ordered relation for pagination. It would be good to use ‘last’
and ‘first’ methods.

I have modelname.where(…).union(modelname.where(…))
how i can get something like

So essentially you’re trying to do something like this?

modelname.where(:name => “foo”).union(modelname.where(:name => “bar”))

Since it’s the same model, I don’t think there’s a reason to use a union
this case. Isn’t this really just an OR operator?

select * from modelname where name = “foo” or name = “bar”

Couldn’t you just use the or operator like so?

modelname.where(“name = ? or name = ?”, “foo”,

Granted, your WHERE clause is probably more complex than that, but the
principle should be the same.