Are you looking for excitement?

Are you currently bored? Looking for excitement? Hate you boss,
company, mundane way of earning the bread and butter? Anything you
would change if you could?

If the answer to any of the above questions is a yes, please feel free
to get in touch with me… I can almost definitely help, I am well know
in the industry and have many contacts. I live and work in the London
area and seek to only work with the best up n coming, established RoR

My address is jaysduc at - 0208 254 7487

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Jay S’duc
[email protected] wrote:

Are you currently bored? Looking for excitement? Hate you boss,
company, mundane way of earning the bread and butter? Anything you
would change if you could?

If the answer to any of the above questions is a yes, please feel free
to get in touch with me… I can almost definitely help, I am well know
in the industry and have many contacts. I live and work in the London
area and seek to only work with the best up n coming, established RoR

Wow, I thought this was a porn advertisement, or maybe an upcoming
monster truck rally based on the subject. Imagine my disappointment!
