Are there plans to introduce conf.simplecov option?


I wanted to ask if there are plans to introduce Rspec.configure { |
conf| conf.simplecov = true } option?
I understand that it is easy to add “require ‘simplecov’;
SimpleCov.start” into the spec_helper.rb, but it just doesn’t look
nice there.


On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:40 PM, ipoval wrote:


I wanted to ask if there are plans to introduce Rspec.configure { |
conf| conf.simplecov = true } option?
I understand that it is easy to add “require ‘simplecov’;
SimpleCov.start” into the spec_helper.rb, but it just doesn’t look
nice there.

No plan yet. Please submit a feature request to
Issues · rspec/rspec-core · GitHub and we can discuss it there.
