Are all threads in ruby automatically thread safe?

I have this program which creates 1000 threads that increment an

With mutex, it should result in 1000, however there is no mutex and it
still results in 1000 every time. Why is this? I tested this on a single
core and a duo core.

count = 0
threads = []

1000.times do |i|
threads << do
count += 1

threads.each {|t| t.join}

puts count#always puts 1000

I want this to be wrong so I can practice mutexes and stuff!!

Timothy Wi wrote in post #1165955:

With mutex, it should result in 1000, however there is no mutex and it
still results in 1000 every time. Why is this? I tested this on a single
core and a duo core.

Because MRI does have native threads but still there is the GIL.

I want this to be wrong so I can practice mutexes and stuff!!

With a single resource and the MRI it will be difficult because of the

But you can see that there is no automatic thread safety with this
little program:


Thread.abort_on_exception = true

c1 = c2 = 0 do |i| i do |x|
c1 += 1
sleep(rand(10) / 100.0)
c2 += 1
raise “not equal in thread #{x}” unless c1 == c2

puts c1, c2

Now insert a Mutex’s synchronized block around accesses to c1 and c2 and
the code will work.

Kind regards


Timothy Wi wrote in post #1165955:

I want this to be wrong so I can practice mutexes and stuff!!

You an use JRuby or Rubinius, they have not GIL !