AR to_xml problem with associations, Builder::XmlMarkup#to_a

When I do a to_xml(with a block) on an association of a model I got a

Builder::XmlMarkup#to_ary should return Array

Example that does not work.

@intervenant = Intervenant.find(params[:id])

output = @intervenant.to_xml( :skip_types => false, :dasherize =>

false) do |xml|
@intervenant.individu.to_xml( :builder => xml, :skip_instruct =>
true, :skip_types => false, :dasherize => false) do |xml_individu|

     #do special stuff at this level.....

Ex that do work but seems little bit dirty:

@intervenant = Intervenant.find(params[:id])
@individu = Individu.find(params[:id])

output = @intervenant.to_xml( :skip_types => false, :dasherize =>

false) do |xml|
@individu.to_xml( :builder => xml, :skip_instruct => true,
:skip_types => false, :dasherize => false) do |xml_individu|
#do special stuff at this level…

Any idea?

Just to be more precise on my issue, it seems to happen only on
“has_one” relationship. The “has_many” works like it should.

Rémi Gagnon wrote:

When I do a to_xml(with a block) on an association of a model I got a

Builder::XmlMarkup#to_ary should return Array