I’m testing JRuby with MS SQLServer jdbc adapter with a iso-8859-1 setup
(webpages, database collation, etc)… I can’t save data with accents
(áéÃóúñ)… instead they are replaced with the question mark (?) symbol.
This test work ok with Ruby MRI and DBI:ADO setup.
I traced the problem and I think that it is at
JdbcAdapterInternalService.execute_update … there I see this code:
Is possible that convertToRubyString/getUnicodeValue is making some
weird things ? or I’m doing something wrong ?
the code showed by the Rails log for the update is:
Usuario Update (0.000283) UPDATE usuarios SET [nombre] = ‘Danielá’
WHERE [id] = 9
the final result in the database is: Daniel?
my setup:
JRuby 1.1.2
Rails 2.1
AR-JDBC 0.8.2
MS SQLServer 2005
JSDK 1.6.0_05
:: nelson ::
artesano de software