Application Design


I have a system that I am trying to design, it contains news articles,
events, etc… There is model representing articles, one representing
events, etc…

Articles or events can be active or inactive, so I can do a query to
return all active articles, all articles or all inactive articles.

The question that I have is what would be the best way to design this.
Right now I have each method (such as recent articles, featured
articles, etc…) taking an ‘active’ parameter. This requires littering
the code with method calls taking this parameter.

I have also thought about setting a class variable on the models to set
whether active/inactive/all articles are returned, so that anytime you
want to set the type returned you set this class variable and then call
your functions (recent_articles, etc…).

What I would like to know is if there are any suggestions as to a good
practice to follow in how to implement this functionality, one of the
ways I have stated or some other way that I haven’t considered.

I hope I have been clear. Thanks for the help in advance.

Ditto, same question. Seems like there are 3 pretty obvious ways to do


Is there a Ruby (e.g., elegant) Way to do this?

On 6/16/06, Laz [email protected] wrote:

The question that I have is what would be the best way to design this.
Right now I have each method (such as recent articles, featured
articles, etc…) taking an ‘active’ parameter. This requires littering
the code with method calls taking this parameter.

Use a method call with the ‘active’ parameter set to default
def recent_articles( since = 5.days.ago, is_active = true )

that way when you call recent_articles if you don’t specify a parameter
will use true and 5 days ago

I have also thought about setting a class variable on the models to set

whether active/inactive/all articles are returned, so that anytime you
want to set the type returned you set this class variable and then call
your functions (recent_articles, etc…).

This would be very bad when multiple requests are being served I think.
Also you would still have to set the condition in each call to a method
since you won’t know what state the class variable will be in. I would
away from this one.

What I would like to know is if there are any suggestions as to a good

practice to follow in how to implement this functionality, one of the
ways I have stated or some other way that I haven’t considered.

I hope I have been clear. Thanks for the help in advance.

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Rails mailing list
[email protected]

I’m not 100% sure that I understand your problem but…

I’m assuming that something has recent articles, and active articles
I’ll assume it’s news ie news has_many articles

So I think if you wanted to call news.articles and only return open ones
To do this, in the News class

has_many :articles, :conditions => { :active => true } # get only active
articles with news.articles

has_many :all_articles, :class_name => “Article” # get all articles
associated with news with news.all_articles

has_many :inactive_articles, :class_name => “Article”, :conditions =>
{:active => false } #

has_many :recent_articles, :class_name => “Article”, :conditions =>
= true AND published_at > #{5.days.ago}” # news.recent_articles

I haven’t tested this so I’m not sure that it will do what you want but
think it should.

Alternatively you could make some class methods on your articles or
methods on your News class etc

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

class << self
   def recent_articles
       find( :all, :conditions => "published_at > #{5.days.ago}" )


Call this via Article.recent_articles

Thanks Daniel,

Yea, the first examples you showed is the way I’m basically doing it
now, except not using true or false, because I need 3 options (active,
inactive, all).

Your second comment about having to keep track of the state of the
object (i.e. whether it is in active/inactive/all state) was a point
bothering me in that implementation, but I was wondering if the state
monitoring would be offset by the fact that most of the time when these
methods are called, it is within a small method itself, therefore just
setting the state at the beginning of that method may not have been hard
to keep track of. Any thoughts on this?

Your third suggestion looks interesting, I hadn’t thought of that, have
to give that one some thought now.

Thanks for the reply. If you have any more thoughts on what I said or
any others, don’t hesitate. I’m trying to broaden my programming skills
by learning from best practices and getting good feedback. Thanks again

Is there a newsgroup more suited to this question that I should have
posted it or is this one ok?

On 6/17/06, Laz [email protected] wrote:

monitoring would be offset by the fact that most of the time when these
methods are called, it is within a small method itself, therefore just
setting the state at the beginning of that method may not have been hard
to keep track of. Any thoughts on this?

Setting the state on an instanciated object is no problem. That status
effects only that object. You could then put an instance method on it
query its state. But putting the state as a class variable will mean
if every instance of that object sets the class variable and you read a
couple of hundred instances of article from your db you could be in all
sorts of strife… especially if there is someone else reading those
and changing their state at the same time. If you check the state in
method, then go to use it, it may have changed you just don’t know.
variables are good for things like allowable states.
@@states = [“active”,“inactive”, “something else”]

in you db table (and with rails therefore an instanciated object) for
Articles you presumably have a column called status. You can determine
what that status is set to by using


This will return the status of the article. You could also define an
instance method that looks more like a question

def is_active?
self.status == “active”

This will return true if the status of the article is set to “active”
by a
call to @my_article.is_active?

The things that you can do with this are very flexible.

Say you set up the is_active? method above and you have a collection of
Articles in a variable.
say you used
articles = Articles.find(:all )

You can split these into active and inactive by using
active_articles, inactive_articles = articles.partition{ |a|
a.is_active? }
Partition is a method of the Enumerable module.

Then you could select recent articles by
recent ={ |a| a.publised_at > 5.days.ago }

There are many ways to get the functionality that your after… Many
than I know about. Which one to use is probably the tricky part.

Do you use the has_many option from the previous post. It may hit the
db a
few more times. But if you grab the Articles as above via a find(:all)
there are big articles and plenty of them, then your memory usage may be
much. You could alleviate that by

articles = Articles.find(:all, :limit => 100, :order => “published_at

either way, if this is going to be something that you do regularly it is
best, I believe, to wrap it up into a method. This will keep the logic
one place, and if you need to change it you will know exaclty where to

Your third suggestion looks interesting, I hadn’t thought of that, have

You are right Daniel, what I should have been saying was instance
variable. It is a per-object reference that I was thinking about. My
mistake. So in that case then, would you think that it might be better
design to keep the active state stored as that instance variable,
therefore avoiding passing it into all the method calls, or keeping it
explicitly in the method calls?

Was there more to your comment as it seems to have been cut off, I think
the forum may have gone down for a second.

Thanks for the help Daniel. Greatly appreciated. Maybe I can repay the
favour one day.

On 6/17/06, Laz [email protected] wrote:

You are right Daniel, what I should have been saying was instance
variable. It is a per-object reference that I was thinking about. My
mistake. So in that case then, would you think that it might be better
design to keep the active state stored as that instance variable,
therefore avoiding passing it into all the method calls, or keeping it
explicitly in the method calls?

In my opinion it is definitley good practice for an object to know it’s
state. In theoretical OOP design, an object should not allow other
access to it’s internal workings. It should provide a way for other
to ask it what a property is set to, and also tell it to update it’s
properties. Basically an object should be responsible for it’s data.
are many tutorials on OOP design on the web and I suggest that you take
time to read some of them. They are generally very good. The Pickaxe
Why’s Poignant guide are good. (Whys book is different but informative).

Other book resources for ruby can be found at

This is a very important concept in Ruby since everything is an object
basically works this way. So an instance variable regarding status
be hidden from other objects, but accessible with instance methods to
status and set status. ie I ask an article, are you active? and it
tells me
if it is.

In rails whatever fields the db table has, the corresponding model will
endowed with getter and setter methods for each field automatically :slight_smile:

That means that if you have a status field in your database table, then
model will already have the methods required to access it and set it.

@my_model.status # returns the status variable
@my_model.status = “inactive” # to set the status

To make it’s state persistant (save it to the db)!

ActiveRecord is very nice for this. But this by itself doesn’t help you
find them which I believe was the subject of your initial post. To do
you use the find method provided by the ActiveRecord class. Since you
inherits from this class, your model gets a find method too. If you
have a
time where you are regularly performing the same action for a given
then convinience methods are good.

def self.active_articles
find(:all, :conditions => { :active => true }

By declaring this you can now use

If you decide to change the definition of what makes an article active,
don’t need to surf your code and find everywhere you did

my_method_to_find_articles( “active” ) or
find(:all, :conditions => { :active => true } )

which may appear many times in many files to change the logic.

If in your code you aske the Article class or some parent object to get
the active articles when you want them, then you can change your logic
one place whenever required.

def self.active_articles
find( :all, :conditions=> { :active => true, :archive => false }

This is commonly refered to as DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and makes
more readable and maintainable.

I am certainly no expert on this. I am new to programming in general
it’s not my day job. I really suggest you try looking at the Wiki on and also try to find some blogs about this stuff.
People who know it much better than I do have put a lot of time into
explaining these concepts and you can learn a lot by reading their
The rails blog is a good source.
and they also link to good blogs to get you started.


Was there more to your comment as it seems to have been cut off, I think