Apache-fcgi - multiple applications on same server


I have a server running apache-1.3 with mod_fastcgi that’s happily
running a rails application. Life is good :wink:

I would like to setup another application (vhost) on the same server…
How to do ?

My httpd.conf says:


FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fgci_ipc AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi FastCgiServer /my/path/to/rails/my_app1/public/dispatch.fcgi \ -initial-env RAILS_ENV=production \ -processes 4 -idle-timeout 120

I guess I somehow have to tell apache to use
/my/path/to/rails/another_app2/public/dispatch.fcgi for the other
application ?

Any input greatly appreciated,


mich wrote:

My httpd.conf says:


FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fgci_ipc AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi FastCgiServer /my/path/to/rails/my_app1/public/dispatch.fcgi \ -initial-env RAILS_ENV=production \ -processes 4 -idle-timeout 120

(Reply to myself)

I guess I just have to add a “FastCgiServer […]” line for each
