Anyone succeeded using AJAX patch view_helpers.rb?

Kindly upload the updated view_helpers.rb if you people use the
will_pagination to post the AJAX request.

Ayyanar Aswathaman wrote:

Kindly upload the updated view_helpers.rb if you people use the
will_pagination to post the AJAX request.

Iam using the attached file. Iam getting the following error:

undefined method `url_for’ for #WillPaginate::LinkRenderer:0x5c46be8

Ayyanar Aswathaman wrote:

Ayyanar Aswathaman wrote:

Kindly upload the updated view_helpers.rb if you people use the
will_pagination to post the AJAX request.

Iam using the attached file. Iam getting the following error:

undefined method `url_for’ for #WillPaginate::LinkRenderer:0x5c46be8

Any help?