Anyone read this , opinion?

Hadn’t seen it before -

Rubyisms in Rails , published back in July in PDF .


Seems like a nice read:

I’m considering to buy it…

On Monday 30 October 2006 09:48, Dark A. wrote:

Rubyisms in Rails , published back in July in PDF .

Coming from Python with no prior knowledge in neither Ruby nor Rails
this book
was a life saver to me.

It is not all that much about Rails though, but about Ruby especially in
aspects that mater in Rails

I think the optimal audience are people like me - experience i other OO
languages, but new to Ruby and Rails, and wishing to understand what’s
on under the hood


I just finished reading this book. This book has the best explanation
on symbols. It does a good job of explaining duck typing, blocks and
metaprogramming. The topics under metaprogramming are very easy
understand, they are reflection, message sending and method missing.

I found it easier to understand because it shows snippets of Java code
to show how the problem can be solved and then gives the Ruby

It does not explain very well or go deeper on the DSL topic. This
could have doubled the size of the book easily.

Sounds like it’s a definite buy.

On 10/31/06, Bala P. [email protected] wrote:

It does not explain very well or go deeper on the DSL topic. This
could have doubled the size of the book easily.