Anyone noticed slow rendering performance with formhelpers?

It seems like the form helpers, such as “link_to” and “check_box” really
slows down rendering when you have hundreds of rows.

Has anyone else noticed this?? Is there a way to go around it apart
from typing the raw html?

Chris wrote:

It seems like the form helpers, such as “link_to” and “check_box” really
slows down rendering when you have hundreds of rows.

Has anyone else noticed this?? Is there a way to go around it apart
from typing the raw html?

I doubt it. Use pagination or caching I would say.


I am writing an app that tracks online stories (and this is my first
rails app).

The main Story table has an id, title and description field (plus
others). The stories have prequels and sequels. What is the best
way of storing the sequel and prequel data as it references the one
main Story table.

I was thinking about putting in a parent_id column that would look
like this :

id title parent_id

1 A Phantom Menace NULL
2 Attack Of The Clones 1
3 Revenge Of The Sith 2
4 A New Hope 3
5 Empire Srikes Back 4
6 Return Of The Jedi 5
7 Terminator NULL
8 Terminator 2 7
9 Terminator 3 8

1/ Is this the best way to store this sort of data?

Note : My UI would consist of a list and the user would drag the
stories into the order (top to bottom using ajax magic) and then the
data would be saved to the DB.

Once in the DB how would I go about extracting it out (say if I was
wanting to edit A New Hope in the example above). I would want the
model to produce the list of stories in order if I was editing item 4
for example.

Any suggestions or pointers on tackling this problem.



sounds like acts_as_tree

certainly does. am learning about it now.
