One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger? Can somebody recommend
one I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
On 26.01.2010 07:54, Rihana L. wrote:
One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger? Can somebody recommend
one I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
Social problems cannot be solved with technology.
However, the security-basics ML is more appropriate for the
technological side of this problem:
On Tuesday 26 January 2010 12:54:28 am Rihana L. wrote:
One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger?
Can somebody recommend
This is the wrong approach. Start by talking to the kid. Yes, it’s
harder, but
if the kid finds out – and he will – how will he ever trust his
I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
But you want to “hack” this teenager’s. How noble of you.
That said, this is also incredibly offtopic. This mailing list is for
who want to talk about the Ruby programming language. I don’t know of a
keylogger written in Ruby, nor can I imagine why anyone would choose
Ruby for
that task.
On 2010-01-26, David M. [email protected] wrote:
This is the wrong approach. Start by talking to the kid. Yes, it’s harder,
but if the kid finds out – and he will – how will he ever trust his
parents again?
I wrote a document once about “hiring a hacker” – using the classic
pre-Hollywood sense. I get about an email a week from people who want
me to
break into stuff for them. Many of them give me enough information that
could probably get them in a great deal of trouble. This amuses me
But time and time again, the answer is “don’t be such an idiot, just
to .”
That said, this is also incredibly offtopic. This mailing list is for people
who want to talk about the Ruby programming language.
The only topical part I can think of is that, in general, this would be
of my first choices for places to go if I wanted to ask a question, with
understanding that if I was trying to solve the wrong problem, people
tell me that, too. Ruby seems to attract people who are not very
in solving the wrong problem.
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Rihana L. [email protected]
communication is in vain!so i need some tools to help me
If you are American be it known that if you install a key logger on
his computer (if over the age of 16) without his consent you are in
violation of various laws due to cyberstalking. Some of the laws are
Include but not limited to:
The USA Patriot Act
The Digital Millennium Act
5th Amendment of the US Constitution.
Illegal Wiretapping
50 USC 1809(a); 47 USC 605 and 18 USC 2511
any many more.
I am sure there is probably international law that this violates as
If he ends up accessing his medical records through a website then you
would be in violation of HIPPA.
Please for the last time, go somewhere else with this nonsense.
Be a responsible adult and talk to this kid. Why are you so scared to do
Andrew McElroy
This message is not legal advise. Please consult a legal professional
before committing a potential federal felony.
communication is in vain!so i need some tools to help me
On Thursday 28 January 2010 08:48:40 pm Rihana L. wrote:
communication is in vain!so i need some tools to help me
I would suggest that the tools you need are psychological, not
Again: It will be hard, but you really have no choice if you want to
build a
relationship with anything resembling trust.
Let me say this again, because it’s important: There is really no choice
If communication doesn’t work, you’re stuck. Technology is not a
Even if he never finds out, the parent will know, and if they’re a good
at all, it will eat at their conscience. That’s if the parent never
anything significant – you would be violating the kid’s privacy for
If the parent does find something significant, sooner or later, the kid
find out, probably because the parent will confront the kid, but even if
parent simply takes steps to prevent whatever they saw on the kid’s
And this again brings it back to the problem of ever developing any sort
trusting relationship with the kid, ever again.
Let me put it another way: You’re suggesting the moral equivalent of
the kid’s diary. Is that ever OK?
Rihana L. wrote:
One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger? Can somebody recommend
one I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
If you want protect your kids from internet,maybe you need site filter
software rather than keylogger.I serched on google and find this
software,you can try http://www.web-filter.cc/
David M. wrote:
On Thursday 28 January 2010 08:48:40 pm Rihana L. wrote:
communication is in vain!so i need some tools to help me
I would suggest that the tools you need are psychological, not
I totally agree. If communication is in vain, then take away the kid’s
computer privileges.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
On Monday 01 February 2010 07:06:53 am Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
If you want protect your kids from internet,maybe you need site filter
software rather than keylogger.I serched on google and find this
software,you can try http://www.web-filter.cc/Those things never work well. Technology is not the appropriate
solution here.
Well, this one doesn’t fit the original problem, as far as I can tell,
your goal is to simply block access to Facebook.
But it’s worse than that – by censoring something, you’re only making
it that
much more appealing.
I’ll give an example: At the age of 12 or so, my father told me about
Matrix, but refused to let me see it. When I was finally old enough, I
it on my birthday – four times. I became obsessed with it – much more
so, I
think, than if I had been allowed to see it in the first place.
So, think about whatever it is you’re trying to “protect” your kids
from. If
you simply tell them not to go there, and they really are good kids,
they won’t. If you put the filter in place, and they really are good
you’re telling them you don’t trust them, which can be hurtful. If they
actually want to go there, they’ll find a way around the filter anyway,
the fact that you so desperately wanted to stop them is likely to
backfire in
a big way once they do get through.
Maigecal L. wrote:
Rihana L. wrote:
One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger? Can somebody recommend
one I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
ThanksIf you want protect your kids from internet,maybe you need site filter
software rather than keylogger.I serched on google and find this
software,you can try http://www.web-filter.cc/
Those things never work well. Technology is not the appropriate
solution here.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
I recommend that his client install perfect keylogger or other
He can do social engineering.
I sorry about my Tarzan english
— El lun 1-feb-10, Maigecal L. [email protected] escribió:
De: Maigecal L. [email protected]
Asunto: Re: anyone can help?
Para: “ruby-talk ML” [email protected]
Fecha: lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010, 1:12 am
Rihana L. wrote:
One of my clients is concerned that his teenage son is up to no good,
been hanging out and talking to strange individuals and has been very
secretive about his dealings n Face book. Is there a way to monitor his
face book or get the password with a keyloger? Can somebody recommend
one I don’t want to just download anything and get my own PC hacked in
the process.
If you want protect your kids from internet,maybe you need site filter
software rather than keylogger.I serched on google and find this
software,you can try http://www.web-filter.cc/
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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