Anyone, anyone...Bueller?

There’s a Rubyforge project I admin that I unfortunately don’t have
time to adequately maintain anymore. It’s probably about 75% completed
and if anyone is interested please let me know and I’d be happy to
turn over the reigns. The project can be found at
and provides a CTI library in Ruby for developing TSAPI applications.

Admittedly with VoIP being the defacto standard nowadays the
technology might be a bit dated, but for businesses with older, legacy
AT&T/Lucent/Avaya telephone equipment it can provide relatively
sophisticated features for little to no cost. If you’re interested in
taking over the project just give me a shout!

gregarican wrote:

There’s a Rubyforge project I admin that I unfortunately don’t have
time to adequately maintain anymore. … If you’re interested in
taking over the project just give me a shout!

Suggestion: Try posting with a subject line that is not a fairly cryptic
reference to some character in a movie.

(Gotta go sing Twist and Shout now)


On Jun 22, 9:59 am, James B. [email protected] wrote:

True. Of course anyone who knows Ruby and is interested in TSAPI
development is pretty cryptic too so perhaps there’s an unintentional
aim there :slight_smile: