My program needs to use a render in a controller action. The problem
is that the action makes a user list and sends it to wicked_pdf, which
uses a render, causing an error if I use one also. Does anyone know a
way around this, and is the render I’m using totally necessary?? Here
is my controller code.
@households = Household.find(:all, :order => "last_name,
@households.each { |@household|
@today =
@year = @today.year
@thisyear =
@lastyear =
@yearbefore =
render( :action=>:printone)
date=date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf { send_data render_to_pdf( :action => ‘print’,
:layout => ‘pdf_report’),
:filename =>
“Household_List_for_” + date }
as the name says, print_one does 1 page of the report for 1 user. It
needs the above variables to do the page.
Thanks for the help
Bob S. <[email protected]>