Any tips on teaching BDD with RSpec?


I hope this is not OT. I’m training my replacement at work to do BDD
Rails development. He’s done a CS/maths degree but has no
professional programming experience, so he’s never NOT done a project
without BDD. In a way I am jealous of his unspoilt situation :slight_smile:

I’ve gone about things this way:

  • first teach him some Ruby (he did mainly Java at uni)
  • then let him write a small program (to a rough description I
    came up with) in Ruby however he wants
  • then teach him how to do BDD-driven OO
  • then let him re-write the sample app in a BDD way.

The app loads a YAML file that lists some URLs, fetches the pages off
the interweb, extracts some data from the body of the spec, and
outputs it to XML. He’s picking stuff up quick - he wrote it in
about 1 1/2 days despite only learning Ruby last week.

I’ve gone through a really simple BDD example with him that is quite
similar to part of the bigger app - he seems to follow the syntax of
RSpec and flexmock, understands the concepts of full and partial
mocks, etc. But I’ve left him to rewrite his app along the same
lines, and it’s like there is a void. Where before he just kept
working at little bits until the output built up, now he’s got the
ability to isolate simple bits of code and develop/test them (eg
formatting a tag from a URL), he’s taking longer. He seems to
be struggling to pick isolated pieces of functionality out of the
bigger problem.

One thing I have done for him is write a functional test - one that
runs the whole app “, outfile)” black-box style,
and compares the output in “outfile” to the output of his existing
app (which we’ve decided between us is correct and suitable as a
reference). I’m not sure if this has helped or confused the issue.

Clearly there is something important I am not explaining, something I
take for granted. Does anyone have any ideas what? I was hoping
someone else here has been through the experience of teaching BDD
(RSpec or otherwise) from scratch and may be able to point me in the
right direction.

Thanks for any advice

PS I haven’t told him to subscribe to this list yet, so I’m safe to
talk about him for a bit :o)

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On 10/17/07, Pat M. [email protected] wrote:

I think you’ll BOTH learn more and be far more efficient if you pair
together rather than giving him a bit of theory/tips & tricks and then
leaving him to his own devices.

Hear, hear!!!

On 10/17/07, David C. [email protected] wrote:

I have to agree w/Pat here, wrt to pair programming. (And let me say
that I am so jealous!)

If it were up to me, I would start with BDD, Probably, immediately
right after hello_world.rb. Even before they learn any Ruby syntax at
all. Your toy app sounds more like a real application to me. It has
actual user stories, confirmable results, etc.

Why not break the usual cycle of code a little, test, code a bit more,
test, repeat, from the start? RSpec is a DSL, like Rails is a DSL. And
you don’t need to know much ruby to get started in Rails. I say that
holds true in RSpec as well. The only qualms I can see is the concept
of Mocks. But you could introduce that in something he is familiar
with like Java.

I only wish my mentor had forced me to learn test first, back in the
day. But that was before all you geniuses where on the scene to set us


Ed Howland

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the sender and delete the material from all computers.”

On 10/17/07, Ashley M. [email protected] wrote:

came up with) in Ruby however he wants
RSpec and flexmock, understands the concepts of full and partial
and compares the output in “outfile” to the output of his existing
currently @ work

rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

Hey Ashley,

First of all, fun situation to be in! I like installing BDD into
impressionable minds - I create one more person who thinks I’m

I would say the best way to do this is to pair. Start off with a toy
app, introducing him to the syntax and basics of RSpec. I would
definitely start off with user stories, and then get into the
nuts-and-bolts object spec’ing. Perhaps you could write one full
scenario in story runner (as I’m sure that’s completely foreign to
him), and then you two can bounce back and forth while implementing
it. You start off doing 60% of the coding letting him take 40%.
Gradually let him take over more as he gets the hang of it, then you
can lean back and sip pina coladas, swacking him with a ruler whenever
he missteps.

After you’ve done a little toy app, I would go to a part of your real
app. If you’ve got any areas that have weak/no coverage, write some
specs for it together. You can help show him how to retrofit specs
onto existing code, and you strengthen your coverage to boot!

I think you’ll BOTH learn more and be far more efficient if you pair
together rather than giving him a bit of theory/tips & tricks and then
leaving him to his own devices.


On 10/17/07, Ashley M. [email protected] wrote:

I was actually going to ask this as a separate post some time. I’m
pretty good (I like to think) with unit specs and breaking behaviour
down, but have not looked much at higher-level user-story based
testing. (And broader agile concepts generally) What’s the best
book on the subject for someone in my situation?

Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby with RSpec
by David C. and Aslak Hellesoy

Sadly, not yet in print, but coming soon from the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

In the mean time, you might want to give this one a peek:

On 18/10/2007, at 8:54 AM, David C. wrote:

Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby with RSpec
by David C. and Aslak Hellesoy

Sadly, not yet in print, but coming soon from the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Will it be released in PDF beta any sooner?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 6:14 pm, Pat M. wrote:

First of all, fun situation to be in! I like installing BDD into
impressionable minds - I create one more person who thinks I’m

Lol - true, this is one of the better problems I’ve had to deal with.

I would say the best way to do this is to pair. Start off with a toy
app, introducing him to the syntax and basics of RSpec. I would
definitely start off with user stories, and then get into the
nuts-and-bolts object spec’ing. Perhaps you could write one full
scenario in story runner (as I’m sure that’s completely foreign to

It’s also foreign to me! [hangs head in shame] I’ve been too busy
to keep up with the latest RSpec gadgets. I just googled and was
about to ask if you had seen this link: <
2007/9/1/user-stories-with-rspec-s-story-runner> but on closer
inspection I suspect the answer may be yes :slight_smile:

I was actually going to ask this as a separate post some time. I’m
pretty good (I like to think) with unit specs and breaking behaviour
down, but have not looked much at higher-level user-story based
testing. (And broader agile concepts generally) What’s the best
book on the subject for someone in my situation?

I have not tried RSpec trunk - I’ll fetch it out tonight and see if I
can get some stories up and running, and teach him everything I know
tomorrow :slight_smile: I’m not averse to learning stuff as I teach it - I
taught him FlexMock before I’d used it myself. Gernally though, it’s
nice to have an idea what you’re talking about.

and then you two can bounce back and forth while implementing
it. You start off doing 60% of the coding letting him take 40%.
Gradually let him take over more as he gets the hang of it, then you
can lean back and sip pina coladas, swacking him with a ruler whenever
he missteps.

This may be the key step I’m missing. (Gradually letting him take
over, not whacking him with a ruler.) I think I might be expecting
too much too soon. Unfortunately I still keep getting bombarded with
spontaneous “by the way we need this server farm re-installing
tomorrow”-type requests so I needed something I could leave him to it.

After you’ve done a little toy app, I would go to a part of your real
app. If you’ve got any areas that have weak/no coverage, write some
specs for it together. You can help show him how to retrofit specs
onto existing code, and you strengthen your coverage to boot!

Good idea, I have a couple of pretty cleanly-separated web service
interfaces written by his predecessor. This other guy destroyed
everything he touched, so there are plenty of things I can justify re-

I think you’ll BOTH learn more and be far more efficient if you pair
together rather than giving him a bit of theory/tips & tricks and then
leaving him to his own devices.

I suspect you are entirely right. Unfortunately, our corporate
culture has historically been “why are you spending so much time
learning when you could be coding”, and it can get politically
difficult to be seen to be doing nothing at times.

My last question then is… since he has not done Rails before, would
it be better to jump straight onto the main project he will be
working on, or a dummy project first?

Actually we have something he could possibly help out with - I found
out the other day that the setup system for one of our web services
involves posting potential customers paper forms and waiting for them
to fax the completed ones over*. So perhaps I can twist my boss’s
arm that we should do a more Web 0.9 solution to this as a combined
learn/code effort.

That would make the final sprint like this:

  • take over some more of the coding on the demo app he is rewriting,
    but let him grab the keyboard as soon as he sees what needs doing (I
    wanted it to be all his work, but I’m sure if it’s mostly his work
    that may be as good)
  • build a really basic monkey-see, monkey-do Rails app so he’s got an
    idea of MVC (like I say, it’s ALL new)
  • spec some behaviour for the online setup app (that I think I will
    christen Postfax, in tribute) possibly in the Story Runner that I
    learnt an hour from now
  • implement some really basic behaviour myself, get him to add some
    more basic behaviour
  • try some more advanced stuff and hopefully let him take over slowly
  • get the pina colada and ruler ready

Sounds like a plan?


*No, I am not making this up. I couldn’t believe it either.

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On Oct 17, 2007, at 8:54 pm, David C. wrote:

Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby with RSpec
by David C. and Aslak Hellesoy

Sadly, not yet in print, but coming soon from the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

I forgot about that one :slight_smile: Can’t we pre-order the beta yet?

In the mean time, you might want to give this one a peek:

You recommended that one once before, this is my cue to actually buy
a copy

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On Oct 17, 2007, at 6:52 pm, Ed Howland wrote:

with like Java.
That’s an interesting approach. My only hesitation is that if he’s
seen to be writing Rails apps it might be interpreted by management
that he’s learnt everything there is to know about behaviour-driven
object-oriented MVC web programming, and I wouldn’t get chance to
show him the good stuff before I leave.

I think it’s good to see something working, but I wanted to avoid
instilling Rails = Ruby in him. That’s why I started writing specs
for trivial things, then simple things like loading a YAML file.

Interestingly, mocks were a tough one. It took a while to explain
the difference between full and partial mocks, and the difference
between mocking instances and stubbing on classes. I don’t think it
was the concept of imaginary objects, more the idea of setting
expectations on them and describing interactions, as opposed to
seeing whether the final output of the program is right.

I only wish my mentor had forced me to learn test first, back in the
day. But that was before all you geniuses where on the scene to set us

I feel spoilt too, I was lucky to stumble on RSpec (and more
importantly, rspec-users) so soon after I started learning unit
testing. And Jim is a lucky guy too, having someone like me around
to tirelessly relay the replies of experts to him.


blog @
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On 10/17/07, Shane M. [email protected] wrote:

On 18/10/2007, at 8:54 AM, David C. wrote:

Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby with RSpec
by David C. and Aslak Hellesoy

Sadly, not yet in print, but coming soon from the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Will it be released in PDF beta any sooner?

Definitely. We just don’t know when yet. Believe me, as soon as we
have that nailed down this list will be among the first to know :slight_smile:


On 17 Oct 2007, at 20:54, David C. wrote:

Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby with RSpec
by David C. and Aslak Hellesoy

Sadly, not yet in print, but coming soon from the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

In the mean time, you might want to give this one a peek:

Hi David,

I heard that this book was coming out, have you got a rough idea when
it might either go into print or into a beta book? There’s no mention
of it on the Pragmatic Programmers site yet.



Alastair M.
Freelance web design, development and consultancy

t. 07983 983945
e. [email protected]
skype. alastair_kozmo

On 10/17/07, Ashley M. [email protected] wrote:

I only wish my mentor had forced me to learn test first, back in the
day. But that was before all you geniuses where on the scene to set us

I feel spoilt too, I was lucky to stumble on RSpec (and more
importantly, rspec-users) so soon after I started learning unit
testing. And Jim is a lucky guy too, having someone like me around
to tirelessly relay the replies of experts to him.

I agree, I have learned tons from this group, too. I missed out on
Rails Edge this year, but some of our St Louis Ruby guys got meet
David. I’d like to thank all of them for their hard work on RSpec.


Ed Howland

“The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity
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dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance
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recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact
the sender and delete the material from all computers.”

On 17 Oct 2007, at 17:27, Ashley M. wrote:


I hope this is not OT. I’m training my replacement at work to do BDD
Rails development. He’s done a CS/maths degree but has no
professional programming experience, so he’s never NOT done a project
without BDD. In a way I am jealous of his unspoilt situation :slight_smile:

Oh, incidently, I found a couple of useful links:


Alastair M.
Freelance web design, development and consultancy

t. 07983 983945
e. [email protected]
skype. alastair_kozmo

On 17 Oct 2007, at 21:05, David C. wrote:

Definitely. We just don’t know when yet. Believe me, as soon as we
have that nailed down this list will be among the first to know :slight_smile:


Oh, you’ve already answered my question :slight_smile:

Alastair M.
Freelance web design, development and consultancy

t. 07983 983945
e. [email protected]
skype. alastair_kozmo

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:42 am, Alastair M. wrote:

Oh, incidently, I found a couple of useful links:

Watched that ages ago - it’s good but looks really old school
compared to the new syntax!

O'Reilly Media - Technology and Business Training

Not seen that, thanks for the heads up


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On Oct 17, 2007, at 6:17 pm, David C. wrote:

On 10/17/07, Pat M. [email protected] wrote:

I think you’ll BOTH learn more and be far more efficient if you pair
together rather than giving him a bit of theory/tips & tricks and
leaving him to his own devices.

Hear, hear!!!

Yep you were both right! Today I sat down with Jim, took over typing
for a while and let him jump in as soon as he looked like he knew
what was going on. Was about 10x as productive as before, and made
me realise (a) you need a lot of experience to catch edge cases and
spec obscure Ruby code (unfair to dump on someone just learning),
and, more importantly (b) BDD is much more of an art than a science.

I learnt something priceless too: I found I was trying to solve
problems in my head in an attempt to avoid writing bad code, and
tried to explain things on paper when really, I didn’t know what the
solution was anyway. BAD IDEA! Eventually I said to him - I’m going
to pretend you’re not here and just work like I normally would. It
worked, and now I know that the secret to BDD is KEEP BASHING THE
KEYBOARD! It’s amazing how quickly you can make useful, elegant code
out of complete garbage. I’ve had to apologise several times for the
shocking stuff I was writing, tell him “don’t worry, I don’t care
it’s ugly, we’ll see to that when it’s working”.


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