On 9/22/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
I’m starting to experiment with Ruby Reports. Are there any real world
examples out there than one would like to share? Having an example to
compare back to the rdoc would be a lot of help to me in learning this
beast. What kind of examples? How about galley listings,
summarizations, multiple group level reports, or matrices. Typical
business stuff you would typically do in Excel, but would be so much
simpler by scripting a report.
This is a very common question among new Ruport users. Many folks are
looking to do complex data manipulations such as the ones you
mentioned, so we certainly acknowledge the need! Unfortunately we’ve
been spending most of our time on the lower level plumbing, focusing
on the system as a whole in the past few months.
We are now in a good position to add in support for things similar to
what you have mentioned. I personally have done almost all of those
things and used Ruport for one part or another, but typically this
involved a lot of very specific glue and some ugly hack and slash kind
of stuff.
We do have some examples, but most of them show how to use things like
the SQL support, or the formatting system. Data manipulations one of
the next big targets on the radar, and we’re ready to start discussing
how things might work.
One thing that might interest you is that by 0.6.0, Ruport will have
support for aging reports, so this will involve some grouping code,
especially related to date ranges and things like that.
If you’d like, please either drop by #ruport on Freenode or sign up
for the Ruport mailing list, and we can start talking about your
specific needs, and perhaps mock up how you’d like an interface to
We are learning as we go the reporting is a BIG problem, so we need
all the help we can get.
Hope to hear from you soon!