Contemplating switching my site over to Jetty to take advantage of spdy/3
and push, but would rather stay with nginx really…
Is there a “rough” ETA on spdy3 in nginx? 1 month? 6 months? 2 years?
Thanks, sorry if this is a frequent request…
It is!
Considering it, but frankly, for a better ETA wouldn’t reject a
corporate sponsor
if there’s anybody here who’d be open to sponsoring an implementation
similar to
Considering it, but frankly, for a better ETA wouldn’t reject a corporate
if there’s anybody here who’d be open to sponsoring an implementation similar to
How much capital would you need to do this? I’d contribute to a
crowd-funding campaign for this and I can likely get work to match or
beat what I put in.
How much capital would you need to do this? I’d contribute to a
crowd-funding campaign for this and I can likely get work to match or
beat what I put in.
I was quite serious about this offer. Is it some kind of faux pas
throwing money at an open source project?
How much capital would you need to do this? I’d contribute to a
crowd-funding campaign for this and I can likely get work to match or
beat what I put in.
I was quite serious about this offer. Is it some kind of faux pas throwing
money at an open source project?
It isn’t. Let’s move if off the list, though, as it’s a topic which is
separate from
technical discussions
Just the heads up: It seems the latest Chrome beta (32.0.1700.14) has
also removed support for spdy/2. Spdy is no longer enabled in Chrome on
nginx-based sites, and all sites that do work run spdy/3 or later
(according to chrome://net-internals/#spdy).
Just the heads up: It seems the latest Chrome beta (32.0.1700.14) has
also removed support for spdy/2. Spdy is no longer enabled in Chrome on
nginx-based sites, and all sites that do work run spdy/3 or later
(according to chrome://net-internals/#spdy).
Actually, after some convincing [0], both Firefox [1] & Chrome [2]
guys were nice enough to give us a bit more time and revert those
changes, so SPDY/2 will stay around for one more release cycle (and be
retired in late February).